Brendon Moeller: Life Begins at 170 ALP [FREE]

Although he connected with jungle and drum & bass when he was discovering electronic music as a teenager in South Africa in the early 90s, Moeller never felt inspired to make the music himself. When he moved to New York and immersed himself in the city’s club scene, he found…

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Variety Of Sound ThrillseekerXTC mkIII v3.0.2 VST VST3 Windows [FREE]

ThrillseekerXTC is a contemporary exciter build around a parallel analog equalizer design. It takes our hearing sensitivity into account especially regarding the perception of audio transients, masking effects and loudness. ThrillseekerXTC offers frequency boosting on three individual parallel bands with pre-selected frequency ranges for the low, mid and high frequency spectrum….

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Decent Samples Decent Sampler Plugin v1.12.6 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

The Decent Samples plugin is a FREE sample player plugin that allows you to play sample libraries in the DecentSampler format (files with extensions: dspreset and dslibrary). It is available in the following formats: Windows (32-bit/64-bit): VSTI, VSTI3, AAX, Standalone MacOS (Intel & M1): VSTI, VSTI3, AU, AAX, Standalone Linux (Intel…

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Steven Atkinson Neural Amp Modeler (incl. NAM Models) v0.7.12 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Steven Atkinson’s Neural Amp Modeler is an amp profiler based on the Neural network emulator for guitar amplifiers, available in VST3 and AU plugin formats. Users can profile their own amps, stomp boxes, and any other gear they might see fit. You can also download a plethora of these profiles…

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FDN Reverb Reverb Plugin by zazz vst3 windows free

The FDNReverb is a flexible reverb plugin that uses a Feedback Delay Network (FDN) to create immersive, modulated spaces. Featuring 16 delay lines, with customizable delay times based on prime numbers, it provides a rich, spatial sound with natural decay and depth. The plugin includes a range of filters, such…

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KXStudio Carla v2.5.8 VST AU LV2 Standalone Win Mac [FREE]

Carla Plugin Host Carla is a fully-featured modular audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like transport control, automation of parameters via MIDI CC and remote control over OSC. Carla currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, VST2, VST3 and…

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Jamsoft SampleSort (Sample Manager) v1.5.1765.0 STANDALONE LiNUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

SampleSort is an audio sample manager and search tool for Windows, MacOS & Linux Designed for use by musicians, producers, DJs and foley artists. Scan SampleSort eases working with large audio sample libraries by scanning your hard drives and identifying the files you’re interested in. Search SampleSort provides easy to use…

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Ryukau Uhhyou Plugins Bundle v0.61.0 VST3 VSTI3 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

35 VST3 Synthesizers & Effects Plugins: Synthesizers: ClangSynthh CollidingCombSynth CubicPadSynth EnvelopedSine FDNCymbal GenericDrum IterativeSinCluster MaybeSnare MembraneSynth LightPadSynth SyncSawSynth TrapezoidSynth UltraSynth WaveCymbal Effects: AccumulativeRingMod BasicLimiter CombDistortion EsPhaser FDN64Reverb FeedbackPhaser L4Reverb LatticeReverb LongPhaser MiniCliffEQ NarrowingDelay OrdinaryPhaser ParallelComb ParallelDetune PitchShiftDelay RingModSpacer SevenDelay UltrasonicRingMod GenericDrum: GenericDrum is a generic drum synthesizer using delays. This…

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Fluidshell Design The NoiseBox) II v1.3 Kontakt [FREE]

The wooden box is back with a lot of new sounds, tweaks & UI. Percussion, springs, bits and thingies. New version 1.3 The NoiseBox) was our second instrument for Kontakt. It’s been used by many artists since its first release, back in 2021. New features detailed below, new UI controls…

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GuitarML Proteus v1.2.0 VST3 AU AAX Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Guitar amp and pedal capture plugin using neural networks. Capture your own amps/pedals/plugins with Proteus. Can capture a drive/tone knob, or snapshot of the sound at a specific setting. Use the Proteus Capture Utility to quickly train models in the cloud with Colab. Effective for Amps/PreAmps, Distortion/Overdrive/Boost pedals (non-time based,…

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GuitarML SmartAmp Pro VST3 AU Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Guitar plugin made with JUCE that uses neural network models to emulate real world hardware. This plugin uses a LSTM model to recreate the sound of real amps and pedals. You can record samples and train models from the plugin. Tone models are saved in .json format. Model training is…

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Sound Author Pristine Reverb FOR Ni REAKTOR [FREE]

16×16 FDN Reverb for NI Reaktor A feedback delay network (FDN) style reverb with a 16×16 Hadamard matrix for lossless feedback at unity gain. The “Freeze” function bypasses the filter and switches off the linear interpolation within the delays to prevent high frequency loss over time within the feedback path….

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Blue Cat’s Freeceiver Network Audio Plugin by Blue Cat Audio x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX Standalone Windows MacOS Free

Blue Cat’s Freeceiver is a free plug-in and application that can receive audio or MIDI streams sent over the network by Blue Cat’s Connector and Fader Hub in real time. Working with remote clients? You can send them audio and MIDI in real-time from your DAW without the need for them to acquire a…

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Soundly Sound Effects Platform by Soundly x64 Standalone Windows MacOS Free / $14.99 monthly

The Complete Sound Effects Platform Find your perfect sound in the massive Soundly cloud library, use our powerful search engine on your local files, and Drag&Drop sounds to your favorite tools. A Gold Mine of Sound Effects in the Cloud Find all the sound effects you’ll ever need in our…

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Steven Atkinson ParametricOD (NAM Parametric Overdrive Distrortion) v0.1.2 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The first publicly-available parametric Neural Amp Model Today, I’m releasing ParametricOD, a plugin that uses NAM’s parametric modeling capabilities to give you a model of my overdrive pedal that is accurate across the full range of the pedal’s knobs and switches.This plugin is intended as a „concept“ plugin in the…

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Steven Atkinson Neural Amp Modeler (NAM) v0.7.7 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Steven Atkinson’s Neural Amp Modeler is an amp profiler based on the Neural network emulator for guitar amplifiers, available in VST3 and AU plugin formats. Users can profile their own amps, stomp boxes, and any other gear they might see fit. You can also download a plethora of these profiles…

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Hard Audio Remixer v0.0.1 AU MacOS [FREE]

HArmony-Rhythm Disentanglement audio remixer plugin. The HARD Audio Remixer is a plugin that uses AI to essentially cross-fade between two tracks. DJ’s do this all the time using different methods, but this plugin is different because it employs a neural network to do the job. It has two core parameters…

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AudioFB ReConstruct : Neural Synth 1.0 Win Mac [FREE]

If you’re a music enthusiast searching for innovative tools to enhance your creative process, look no further than ReCONSTRUCT. This virtual instrument harnesses the power of neural networks to generate unique instruments and timbres, providing a gateway to new sonic experiences for musicians and producers alike. Unleash Your Sonic Imagination…

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Dreamtonics Synthesizer V Studio Basic Edition v1.11.0b2 (incl. Lite Voices Databases) STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

A new dimension of music production. Life-like and responsive vocals at your fingertip. Warmth and tonality are hallmarks of the human singing voice. Behind the scenes, Synthesize V leverages a deep neural network-based synthesis engine capable of generating incredibly life-like singing voices. Plus, unlike other solutions that utilize neural networks,…

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Moss Equalizer EQ Plugin by Stone Voices

Moss Eq V1 4 Full

Moss Equalizer is an effective 265-band FFT equalizer, able to adjust levels in the range from -150 to +60 dB, in the frequency range from 10 to 20000 Hz. With the help of Moss Equalizer you can change the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the audio track as you like: increase the bass/treble…

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Sonosaurus SonoBus v1.7.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE WiN macOS [FREE]

Sonobus Screenshot

High Quality Network Audio Streaming   SonoBus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality, low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a local network. Simply choose a unique group name (with optional password), and instantly connect multiple people together to make music, remote sessions, podcasts, etc….

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Fazertone The Klone x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]


This pedal is perhaps one of the most hyped ever – which is why it was the first in our list to turn into a plug-in using our neural network tech. Is it worth paying nearly $10k for an original pedal? The debates will rage on, but in the mean…

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Variety Of Sound ThrillseekerXTC mkIII v3.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 WiN [FREE]


ThrillseekerXTC is a contemporary exciter build around a parallel analog equalizer design. It takes our hearing sensitivity into account especially regarding the perception of audio transients, masking effects and loudness. ThrillseekerXTC offers frequency boosting on three individual parallel bands with pre-selected frequency ranges for the low, mid and high frequency…

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Valhalla DSP Valhalla Supermassive v3.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows MacO [FREE]

Supermassive Gui 960x509.jpg

Make some space. ValhallaSupermassive has been designed from the ground up for MASSIVE delays and reverbs. Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, and swelling waves of feedback unlike any you’ve heard before. Supermassive has 20 out-of-this-world reverb/delay modes: Gemini: Fast attack, shorter decay, high echo density. Hydra:…

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Linda Audio Stargazer v1.0.1 x86 x64 VST VST3 WiN [FREE]


Stargazer is a bit different than traditional shimmer reverb design. It is composed of network of delays, each of these delay lines generates short pitch-shifted grains of sound and these grains are fed back to the delay network. The delay network is scalable from two to thirteen delay lines. With…

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Stargazer by Linda Audio

Stargazer is a hybrid delay / reverb with shimmer grain generator. The unique effect that can transform any sound to the ethereal shimmering soundscape, string-like or organ-like ensemble (like other shimmer reverbs) but its capabilities are wider. Stargazer is fantastic tool for any ambient music, but it is great also for many…

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Sonosaurus SonoBus v1.6.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

High Quality Network Audio Streaming SonoBus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality, low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a local network. SonoBus does not use any echo cancellation, or automatic noise reduction in order to maintain the highest audio quality. As a result, if…

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Piano Forte Piano Plugin by Omnes Sonos[Windows,VSTI3,LV2,Standalone,x64]

Piano Forte is a real-time Piano plugin that uses a dual engine, blending a lightweight neural network and a physical model, to assure the best balance between efficiency and fidelity. Modeled to capture the best characteristics of famous models, such as the Steinway & Sons models B and D and…

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ReCONSTRUCT Synth Plugin by AudioFB

If you’re a music enthusiast searching for innovative tools to enhance your creative process, look no further than ReCONSTRUCT. This virtual instrument harnesses the power of neural networks to generate unique instruments and timbres, providing a gateway to new sonic experiences for musicians and producers alike. ReCONSTRUCT utilizes advanced neural…

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Chowdhurry DSP Chow Centaur v1.4.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU LV2 STANDALONE WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Chow Centaur is a digital emulation of the Klon Centaur guitar pedal. The plugin contains two modes, „Traditional“ which uses traditional circuit modelling technicues, and „Neural“ which uses a recurrent neural network to model the gain stage from the original Klon circuit. More technical details can be found in the…

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