CodeFN42 ToneXdb Explorer v1.32 WiN [FREE]

ToneXdb Explorer is an application that allows you to explore and edit data in IK Multimedia’s ToneX tone model database. It helps you keep track of all the tone models, presets and impulse responses that are stored in the ToneX database your computer, whether you have created them yourself, imported them,…

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The Multistream ASIO Player Music Player by TropicalCoder free

AN MP3 PLAYER WITH UNIQUE Features it will play music on professional sound cards via ASIO, as well supporting all types of sound cards via DirectSound or even the older Window’s multimedia system audio interface. MStream plays Window’s PCM wave files and most standard mp3 files. It features a unique mp3 file parser for…

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Golden Screw Studio 200 Sweetners Sample Pack WAV [FREE]

Whether you’re searching a free sample pack, crafting a cinematic soundtrack, designing unique soundscapes for video games, looking to enrich your music compositions or you are a sound designer, the Sweetners Sample Pack provides versatile and inspiring sounds that can be easily incorporated into a wide variety of genres. The…

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CodeFN42 ToneXdb Explorer v1.31 Windows Standalone [FREE]

ToneXdb Explorer is an application that allows you to explore and edit data in IK Multimedia’s ToneX tone model database. It helps you keep track of all the tone models, presets and impulse responses that are stored in the ToneX database your computer, whether you have created them yourself, imported…

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Ginger Audio GroundControl CASTER v2.0.9 macOS [FREE]

Virtual Mixer, Cable-Free Audio routing for Mac The all in one Cable Free Audio router for Mac The most powerful audio mixing board for content creators. Combine multiple audio sources of any kind: applications, microphones, audio interfaces and more. Mix and stream to your favorite streaming app: Twitch, OBS, StreamLabs,…

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ossia score by

Free and Opensource ossia score is a sequencer for audio-visual artists, designed to enable the creation of interactive shows, museum installations, intermedia digital artworks, interactive music and more in an intuitive user interface. It allows to sequence OSC, MIDI, DMX, sound, video, audio plug-ins, Javascript scripts, Faust programs, Pure Data patches,…

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