Ocean Swift 20th Century Speeches (SFX Sample Pack) WAV [FREE]

A fascinating glimpse into history, Ocean Swift – 20th Century Public Domain Speeches is a free collection of iconic speeches from the 20th century. This pack features 69 carefully restored recordings of historical figures addressing the world on pivotal events—wars, elections, space exploration, and cultural movements that shaped the modern era….

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Moon Sono Sx by Elektrostudio x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Moon Sono Sx is a Moog Sonix Six emulation. It features two VCOs with changeable waveform (sawtooth, triangle, square, pulse), one low-pass VCF, a VCA, two multimode LFOs for modulation. The Sono is a two-oscillator duophonic synth. It can be set for duophonic, (two notes at a time… one oscillator takes high-note…

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Enjoy Samples Piano Soft Ritual KONTAKT [FREE]

Piano Soft Ritual conjures the enchanting mystery of the witches’ sabbath, where covens gather under a veiled moon. Its dark, spellbinding notes echo the chants and occult rituals that summon the power of ancient forces. This piano weaves an atmosphere that is both intoxicating and eerie, capturing the essence of…

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Hunter Rogerson The Spellsinger (Choirs) Kontakt Decent Sampler [FREE]

Spellbinding vocal drones and phrases captured in an old church Toward the end of the summer, my partner (the star of this library) and I had a couple of hours to ourselves in a 173yr old church. We spent that time capturing these samples. We took full advantage of the…

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Elemental Child – Gleaming Gold

„The giver’s glance gleams like gold. A golden brilliance concludes peace between the moon and the sun. Uncommon is the highest virtue and useless, it is gleaming and gentle in its brilliance: a gift-giving virtue is the highest virtue.“ –

„Der Blick des Gebers schimmert wie Gold. Ein goldener Glanz schließt den Frieden zwischen dem Mond und der Sonne. Ungewöhnlich ist die höchste Tugend und unnütz, glänzend und sanft ist sie in ihrem Glanz: die schenkende Tugend ist die höchste Tugend.“ – Friedrich Nietzsche

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

My AI Jack ROMpler Plugin by SlapAsSound AI AU VSTI3 Windows MacOS Free


It’s Marko, from SlapAsSound, from tiny Estonia here:). Introducing my new FREE StarVoice VST – My AI Jack. The revolutionary vocal instrument that brings the magic of AI voice modeling to your fingertips. With 15 presets featuring 450 unique AI-generated starvoice samples, this rompler takes your music to the moon and back….

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Pepto Audio Black Metal Keys x64 VST VST3 WiN MAC [FREE]

Black Metal Keys es un instrumento virtual que pone a tu disposición los sonidos más comunes utilizados en los álbumes clásicos de black metal de los 90, como In the Nightside Eclipse de Emperor, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant de Dimmu Borgir, The Sad Realm of the Stars de Odium o Moon…

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Elemental Child – Enceladus


The moon of Saturn, Enceladus, contains a large global ocean of liquid water under a thick protective layer of ice. This makes it one of the most promising objects in the solar system for finding extraterrestrial life.

Der Saturnmond Enceladus enthält einen großen globalen Ozean aus flüssigem Wasser unter einer dicken schützenden Eisschicht. Deshalb ist er eines der vielversprechendsten Objekte im Sonnensystem, um extraterrestrisches Leben zu finden.

Frankie Kay & Elemental Child – Project Moon I

„Der Mond kämpft nicht. Er greift niemanden an. Er hat keine Angst. Er versucht nicht, andere zu erdrücken. Er behält seinen Kurs bei, aber durch seine Natur beeinflusst er sanft. Welcher andere Körper könnte einen ganzen Ozean von Ufer zu Ufer ziehen? Der Mond bleibt seiner Natur treu, und seine Kraft wird nie geschmälert.“ – Deng Ming-Dao

“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” – Deng Ming-Dao