Zack Steinkamp Note Effects M4L Bundle AMXD [FREE]

Chord Ripper v3: Decompose chords across multiple tracks. Add the device to each track you want to feed off the chord and set the desired voice/group. Play a MIDI chord into any track containing this device, and its notes will be distributed across the tracks sharing the same group. Crisco…

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Fors Retur v1_0 Ableton Max for Live AMXD ALP FREE

Retur_Colorful Delay Capturing the spirit of our favorite old effect pedals, Retur is an intensely colorful and grungy delay effect with screeching feedback and hard-hitting echoes. The focus is all on character. There is something special about increasing the feedback on an analog delay pedal– you start to hear all…

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a200xeaf 73EAF 7̛▄Ɛ▀▄ДͲƑ (Max For Live AMXD, WAV) [FREE]


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Wwerkk Transfer (Real Time Timbre Transfer Using RAVE Models) M4L AMXD [FREE]

Max for Live device for easy, real-time timbre transfer in Ableton Live using RAVE. RAVE is an auto-encoder, meaning that it takes sound as an input, generates sound as an output, and trained to reconstruct the incoming sounds of the dataset. This processing is based on two separate processes Requirements:…

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Swing Max For Live by Wind Makes Wave Free

Adjustable Swing for Live 12 Swing is a free MIDI Tool created to address a common community request for an alternative and straightforward method to apply the perfect amount of swing to your MIDI notes. It includes a free written lesson, designed to serve as a ‚Quick Start Guide, ‚…

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Slynk Duck Buddy (Sidechain Device) v1.5 M4L AMXD [FREE]

What Is Duck Buddy? This maxforlive device triggers a custom gain reduction shape when it detects a MIDI note from the selected source. Drop a Duck Buddy on your bassline and select your Drum Rack as the MIDI source. Select the Kick drum cell as your channel. Perfect sidechain! Forget using…

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Envelop Sound Envelop For Live v12.0.5 (Tools For Ambisonic 3D Panning) M4L Devices AMXD [FREE]

E4L (Envelop for Live) is an open-source spatial audio production toolkit that allows artists to produce and perform unforgettable events in Envelop listening spaces, or explore their own DIY projects. E4L operates within Ableton Live Suite (10-11+) and is designed to be a flexible platform for artists to compose with…

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Robert K Groov Mekanik FREE STUFF! Bundle 001 (GMaudio) M4L AMXD Drift Presets & Tips [FREE]

Use the MIDI Effects (Chordz & Note Probability) to trigger the Drift Presets in interesting ways, then reshape the sounds to fit your mix with Squeeze, HiFreqLimiter & VSEQ. This bundle contains the majority of my free products, so you can quickly and easily download some fresh inspiration! GMaudio Squeeze…

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Zack Steinkamp FractalNoteEcho M4L Device AMXD [FREE]

Well, it’s a device that sends note echoes, but each echo follows the rules of fractals. Before we get into the fractal part, understand first how you set up your base echo pattern. A base set of echo taps is defined using four knobs. Each echo tap has its own…

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Sound Morph DR01D v1.0 For Standalone Reaktor Max4live WiN Mac [FREE]

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FREE | Standalone Reaktor Max4live WiN Mac | 387 MBFree Retro Sci-Fi Synth – Free Little Robot Voice Simulator DRO1D is our homage to retro sci-fi robots. System Requirements: DRO1D runs in Reaktor 5, Reaktor 6, Max4live, and as a Standalone app. ​DRO1D is compatible with Apple Silicon chips (M1…

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Elias Jarzombek Abacusynth v1.0.0 (For Max For Live Device) [FREE]

Abacusynth is a polyphonic synthesizer for Ableton Live. It allows you to create rich, dynamic synth sounds simply by placing and manipulating shapes on rods. The interface is inspired by an abacus, the ancient counting tool used all around the world. Just like the abacus is used to learn the…

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Cinematic Studio Strings Tool V2.1 Lite M4L Device [FREE]

Main functions: 1.Control articulations,expression(cc#11) and modulation(cc#1) by autumation; 2.Fix the instrument latency by setting the tab of FixLtc to 1 and setting the delay of the track to -320 ms. Compared with the full version, the following functions are missing: 1.All articutions (Modulating wheel is no longer required for use);…

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Alchemical 9 Weighted Random Generator (For Max For Live Devices) [FREE]

Yet another random note generator? Yes, but with an important difference: the random stream of notes is given structure and shape by weighting the probablility a note will be chosen. This means that some notes will be played more often than others and the result is much more musical than…

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MGF Audio Chord Pal Beta (For Max For Live Device) [FREE]

Chord Pal is a handy tool for one-note chords that stay in key. Each octave on the keyboard is split into 7 different chords. Chord Pal is designed with speed, creativity, and workflow in mind. It’s handy for beginners that want fun sounding chords with a single key press, or…

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Arnau Brichs OnsetPitch Detector (For Max For Live Devices) [FREE]

OnsetPitch Detector analyses an incoming signal, and sends out a MIDI note of the detected pitch at each detected onset or transient of a sound. It does so according to a set of parameters and algorithms. Useful for experimental sound design (such as rattling or percussive impulses or noises), which…

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Dillon Bastan Markov Variations v1.0 AMXD ADG ABLETON ·FREE·

FREE max for live device! **THIS REQUIRES LIVE 11** Use this device to transition between Variations (Variations are the new presets/snapshots feature in Ableton Live’s Racks) using Markov Chains. The device detects the stored variations on an assigned Rack, then it transitions between them with probabilities (using Markov Chain). You…

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Max for Cats Studio Tools Max for Live (Ableton) ALP FREE

Christian Kleine aka Max for Cats is back with a free Max for Live Pack called Studio Tools. Included are three devices: a phase scope, an oscilloscope and a signal generator. The first two are visualiser tools for mixing, the signal generator allows for mixing with pink or white noise,…

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Sonic Bloom MIDI Note Echoes & Semi-Random Sequencer M4L ABLETON FREE

This time we’re going to have a look at three free and intriguing Max for Live MIDI effects. Two are rather refreshing takes on MIDI note echoes and one’s a fun semi random note sequencer · fractalNoteEcho This Max for Live MIDI effect was created by Zack Steinkamp. It offers…

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Manifest Audio Note Raum M4L for ABLETON FREE

Take MIDI note echoes to the next level: with a variety of innovative rhythmic combinations, performance features, and bounded patterning options, Note Raum truly exists in a realm of its own. Note Raum takes MIDI Note Echoes beyond – within limits. Featuring a variety of metrical rates to be multiplied,…

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Manifest Audio MOD SQUAD V2 M4L FREE

Inject life into your sets and compositions with this set of fifteen modulators designed to create intricate, dynamic relationships between otherwise separate elements, add dub-style effects at random intervals, powerful LFO control, quantized macros, and audio-rate modulation – free! Designed by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred, Mod Squad includes: 6 x Max…

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J74 FreeCode pack by J74

J74 FreeCode pack by J74 is a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. The J74 FreeCode pack is a set of MIDI and Audio devices with new and selected functions from the J74 repertoire. Among the tools it includes the ChordExplorerLight, a MIDI chord generator which can be controlled…

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GHOSTWRITER by mididope

GHOSTWRITER by mididope is a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. Ghost Note Generator GHOSTWRITER generates additional ghost notes for more rhythmic sophistication. {See video at top of page} As soon as there are no more held MIDI notes, Ghostwriter takes the last MIDI note output and…

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