Smaolab Akira-Tube (Authentic Tube Emulation) v1.0 Free Version VST3 AU CLAP LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

Authentic Tube Emulation – From gentle warmth to full-bodied saturation. Futuristic amp simulator with modern & electrified edge Produces the overdriven & distorted sounds typical of electrified guitars & basses. Combines an amp simulation with an original analog low pass filter & tone-shaping equalizer effect. Perfect for Guitarists & bassists who…

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The Usual Suspects Nodal Red 2x (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.4.3 VSTI/VSTI3/AU/CLAP/LV2 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Nodal Red 2x, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Clavia Nord Lead 2x. Many well-known 90s virtual analog synthesizers are based on the Motorola DSP5630 DSP. For example, the Access Virus series A, B, C, TI, the Clavia Nord Lead…

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Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.1.3 vsti3 au lv2 Windows macOS Linux [FREE] Update

RipplerX is a physically modeled synth, capable of sounds similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision. Features: Open source and Cross-platform, available on Windows, Linux and macOS. Dual resonators with serial and parallel coupling. 9 Models of acoustic resonators: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube and Closed…

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RipplerX Synth (Physical Modeling) Plugin by Tilr VSTI3 AU LV2 Windows MacOS Linux Free

RipplerX is a physically modeled synth, capable of sounds similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision. Features: Open source and Cross-platform, available on Windows, Linux and macOS. Dual resonators with serial and parallel coupling. 9 Models of acoustic resonators: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube and Closed tube. Inharmocity,…

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Xenia Synth Plugin by The Usual Suspects x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux free

Xenia supports emulation of the Waldorf Microwave II/XT, a wavetable synthesizer. Xenia is unique from The Usual Suspects‘ other emulations because it is the first to support a synthesizer not based purely on a virtual analog design. With this addition to their emulation roster, an even larger choice of sonic…

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Plugdata v0.9.1 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

A visual programming environment for audio experimentation, prototyping and education. plugdata is a free/open-source visual programming environment based on pure-data. It is available for a wide range of operating systems, and can be used both as a standalone app, or as a VST3, LV2, CLAP or AU plugin. plugdata allows…

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Bespoke Synth v1.3.0 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds. Bespoke is like a DAW* in some ways, but with less of a focus on a global timeline. Instead, it has a design more optimized for jamming and exploration. Bespoke…

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Raphael Radna Xenos v1.0.1 VSTi3 AU LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Xenos is a virtual instrument plug-in that implements and extends the Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis (DSS) algorithm invented by Iannis Xenakis. Programmed in C++ with the JUCE framework, Xenos is open-source, cross-platform, and can be built in a number of plug-in formats. Key features include: Authentic DSS engine Xenharmonic pitch quantizer…

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Mike Moreno DSP LiRA 8 v1.0.8 VSTI VSTI3 AU LV2 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

The Lira•8 is a digital attempt at emulating SOMA Lab’s Lyra-8 signal flow and sound. The Lyra 8 is a Russian drone synthesizer with 8 tunable voices each, FM, dual delay, hyper LFO and distortion. It makes it optimal for drones, ambient landscapes, outer space sounds, etc. Instructions / Installation…

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Izmar Verhage VMPC2000XL v0.6.4 Standalone VSTI3 AU LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

VMPC2000XL is an emulator of the classic Akai MPC2000XL sampler/sequencer. Features Linux, MacOS and Windows support Available as standalone applications and VST3/AU/LV2 plugins Load/save most of the MPC2000XL file formats: APS, ALL, PGM, SND, MID, WAV Raw USB volume (CF card) support with Akai FAT 16.3 filenames Every screen and…

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Ewan Bristow Florah(LITE) v1.2 VST3, LV2, CLAP AU Plugdata Patch FREE

Florah LITE – A free alternative to trackspacer, and the free version of Florah After experimenting with DynamicEQs/Dynamic Resonance supressors, i decided to make my own, using ONLY plugdata. This spectral processing plugdata unit is best described as being a „Multiband Compressor“ , capable of tackling your annoying frequencies and…

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discoDSP OB-Xd v3.5.4 Free Version x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

OB-Xd is a classic synthesizer with a timeless sound that continues to captivate musicians and producers alike. With its rich, full-bodied tones and expansive sound design capabilities, the OB-Xd is the perfect choice for those looking to add a vintage touch to their music. Whether you’re producing electronic tracks, recording live…

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Xivilay ScaleRemapper v0.7.6 Standalone VST3 AU LV2 Win MacOS Linux iOS [FREE]

Routes white keys from midi-input to chosen scale to midi output Midi only plugin. Remaps white keys of the standard midi-keyboard to any possible music scale. Web Preview GitHub ScaleRemapper_0.7.6

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JP Cimalando ADLplug (FM Chip Synthesizer) v1.0.2 vsti lv2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Synthesizer plugin for ADLMIDI and OPNMIDI (VSTI/LV2) This software package provides FM synthesizer plugins, based on OPL3 and OPN2 sound chip emulations. The emulations and the drivers are provided by libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI. control of multiple YMF262/YM2612 emulated chips high fidelity emulation, with choice of compromise level (good fidelity/fast, excellent…

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Izmar Verhage VMPC2000XL v0.6.0/0.6.1 VSTi3 AU LV2 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

VMPC2000XL is an emulator of the classic Akai MPC2000XL sampler/sequencer. Features Linux, MacOS and Windows support Available as standalone applications and VSTi3/AU/LV2 plugins Load/save most of the MPC2000XL file formats: APS, ALL, PGM, SND, MID, WAV Raw USB volume (CF card) support with Akai FAT 16.3 filenames Every screen and…

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Xunil Cloud CloudReverb v0.2 VST VST3 AU LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

algorithmic reverb plugin based on CloudSeed This is an audio plugin for algorithmic reverb. The algorithm is borrowed from CloudSeed VST by Valdemar Erlingsson. I try to rewrite the plugin with JUCE, so it can be also run on Linux and MacOS. CloudReverb has been tested on Linux and Windows….

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Audio Damage Rough Rider v3.2.1 VST3 AU CLAP AAX LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

Our RoughRider compressor is one of the most popular dynamics processors on the planet, with well over a half a million downloads over its decade-plus lifespan, and is in heavy daily use by producers the world over. With RoughRider3, we’ve expanded the original to include an external sidechain input, the…

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Digital Suburban Dexed v0.9. VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Dexed is a multi platform, multi format plugin synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7. Under the hood it uses music-synthesizer-for-android for the synth engine and JUCE as an application/plugin wrapper. The goal of this project is to be a tool/companion for the original DX7. Sound engine with…

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Peter Rudenko Helio v3.14 Windows MacOS Linux Android Standalone [FREE]

Helio is a free and open-source music sequencer for desktop and mobile platforms: Distraction-free Helio is an attempt to rethink a music sequencer to create a tool that feels right. It provides a lightweight UI to help you get into the zone and focus on your ideas. Clear over clever…

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Auburn Sounds Graillon (Live Voice Changer) v3.0 Free Edition VST VST3 AU AAX LV2 LiNUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

GRAILLON 3 is an enhanced pitch correction tool. It elevates your game instantly, whether you’re after standard or edgy vocals. Features: Pitch Shifter Formant Shifting Pitch Correction: Supports both hard-tune and natural sounds. 3 Pitch Engines: G2: Retains the GRAILLON 2 sound. G3: Reviewed and updated sound. I1: The pitch…

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Jürgen Hock stftPitchShiftPlugin v1.0.0 VST3 AU LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

The stftPitchShiftPlugin features poly pitch and timbre shifting simultaneously and in real-time. It’s completely based on the stftPitchShift library, which also provides a Python interface and useful command line tools. Features Following features are currently included: poly pitch shifting with or without formant preservation, pitch independent timbre changing, low latency…

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Arthur Benilov Aeolus (Pipe Organ Synthesizer) v0.2.1 VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Pipe organ emulator using additive synthesis as a VSTi or AU plugin (or a stand-alone executable).Aeolus was originally developed by Fons Adriaensen and presented in 2004. The original implementation is Linux only and can be found here (or across Linux distribution packages). At present it looks like Aeolus development has…

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Midilab JC-303 (Roland TB-303 Bass Synthesizer) v0.11.0 VST3 AU LV2 CLAP LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

JC303 is Bass Synthesizer Audio Plugin, clone of Roland TB-303. This project is a JUCE port of Robin Schmidt’s Open303 DSP engine, with a mission to make Open303 accessible across different platforms and plugin formats. Our goal is to provide musicians and producers with a seamless experience to harness the incredible…

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KXStudio Carla v2.5.8 VST AU LV2 Standalone Win Mac [FREE]

Carla Plugin Host Carla is a fully-featured modular audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like transport control, automation of parameters via MIDI CC and remote control over OSC. Carla currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, VST2, VST3 and…

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Darwin Do Microbiome v1.0.0 VST3 AU LV2 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Microbiome is a real-time audio effects plugin that uses delay lines and looping to create vibrant audio artifacts mimicking the nature of evolutionary biology. The main Microbiome audio processing engine is done through a variable number of sound „Colonies“ that can be toggled on/off at will. Each Colony resamples a…

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ImpulseLoader Reverb Plugin by brummer LV2 Windows Linux free

ImpulseLoader is a simple, mono, IR-File loader/convolution LV2 plug. This release implement easier File switching. It’s now possible to switch the selected files via mouse wheel, via mouse button click and via keyboard up/down keys. Right mouse button click will pop up the file-list and allow to select a file…

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Airwindows Consolidated v2024-07-20 (All Plugins Bundle Suite) x64 x86 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

All nearly-400 Airwindows plugins For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6,…

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Greg Recco Audible Planets Synthesizer v1.1.4 VSTI3 AU LV2 LiNUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

Audible Planets is an expressive, quasi-Ptolemaic semi-modular synthesizer. Features: „Orbital Modulation“ (OM) synthesis. Modulation matrix with monophonic and polyphonic modulation for most parameters. Built-in effects chains. Overview Four bodies revolve with uniform circular motion, each around one of the others or, in the case of the first body, a fixed…

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