Gianluca Piras CONCRETA Kontakt [FREE]

Acoustic sound design elements and rhythms CONCRETA is basically a library of sound objects that comes from my passion for electroacoustic music, indeed it’s quite common in this context to manufacture acoustic laptops amplified with piezoelectric microphones at home, in order to expand, through processes of sound manipulation in real…

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Elemeantal Child – Organic Space

„What is the meaning of human life, or of organic life altogether? To answer this question at all implies a religion.“
„Was ist der Sinn des menschlichen Lebens, oder des organischen Lebens überhaupt? Um diese Frage überhaupt zu beantworten, muss man eine Religion haben.“ – Albert Einstein

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

Klaus Scheuermann Master Me v1.2.0 x86 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 AU Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Automatic mastering plugin for live streaming, podcasts and internet radio stations. master_me is a multi platform, free and open source audio plug-in which optimizes sound in live streaming situations. Introducing no latency, it takes care of master levels and ‘polishes’ the sound with a chain of effects, closely modeled after…

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Tritik Krush v1.3.0 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Krush – Tasty Bitcrusher With its bit crushing and downsampling algorithms, Krush combines the crispy taste of the digital realm with the warmth of its drive stage and analog modeled resonant filters. A modulation section allows you to quickly add extra life to the sound by modulating any parameter. The…

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DDMF Endless (Ethereal Reverb) v1.0.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]

Endless is a free reverb plugin that specializes in creating huge, ethereal sound spaces that seemingly extend to infinity. It is your weapon of choice for film music, ambient or larger-than-life sounds. In addition to reverb size controls, Endless also features shimmer and detuning capabilities if you want to make things…

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Zen Autopan Auto Pan by Wild Surmise Music IOS Free

FX Forms #002 – Zen AutoPan from Wild Surmise Music, second offering in the series of AUv3 FX plugins. Note: This needs a compatible DAW App such as Logic Pro, AUM, Cubasis, Garageband etc to use the AUv3 plugin. Zen AutoPan is not merely a tool, but an invitation to…

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DDMF Endless 1.0.0 VST VST3 AU AAX x64 x86 Windows MacOS [FREE]

Endless is a free reverb plugin that specializes in creating huge, ethereal sound spaces that seemingly extend to infinity. It is your weapon of choice for film music, ambient or larger-than-life sounds. In addition to reverb size controls, Endless also features shimmer and detuning capabilities if you want to make…

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Spectral Plugins Free Pack 04.2024 [FREE] x64 VST VST3 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX Bundle Windows MacOS

Spectral Plugins decided to close doors, so their products became free. Spacer Start small, build big – discover new sonic expanses with Spacer, a modular creative effects station where time and space are united as one. Spacer has five effects modules which can be linked in any order to generate…

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Integraudio Blowdio (Lo-Fi Saturator) VST3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

Blowdio lets you add different colors and flavors of tape saturation to your sound. Broadly, it consists of four sections: Studio, Cinematic, Vintage, and Lofi, each offering a distinct flavor that may suit your sonics. I loved the warm texture the plugin added to my sounds. I would use it,…

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Lotus Sound AERIAL EQ Mk2 v1.0 WiN macOS [FREE]

Introducing the new AERIAL EQ ☁️, an innovative semi-parametric equalizer plugin that elevates your audio experience to new heights. Crafted with precision and creativity in mind, this plugin offers a unique feature set, including the distinctive „Air“ function. The AERIAL EQ is your go-to tool for shaping and enhancing audio…

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Elemental Child – Fragments

“A piece of art comes to life, when we can feel, it is breathing, when it talks to us and starts raising questions. It may dispel biased perceptions; make us recognize ignored fragments and remember forsaken episodes of our life story.“

„Ein Kunstwerk erwacht zum Leben, wenn wir spüren, dass es atmet, wenn es zu uns spricht und Fragen aufwirft. Es kann voreingenommene Wahrnehmungen zerstreuen, uns ignorierte Fragmente erkennen lassen und uns an vergessene Episoden unserer Lebensgeschichte erinnern.“ – Erik Pevernagie

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

Melda Productions MFreeFXBundle v16.11 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

MFreeFXBundle contains a set of audio effects Our commercial plugins offer many more features, but these are still extraordinary when compared to most plugins on the market. You can extend the features of these free plugins at any time by purchasing a licence. Key M Features Automatic gain compensation (AGC)…

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Auburn Sounds Couture v1.8 (Intuitive Dynamics) Free Edition VST VST3 AU AAX LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

Intuitive Dynamics Couture gives you exquisite control over your dynamics, and particularly attacks. Raw Efficiency. Increase or decrease dynamics. Get a usable result, now. Fully Volume-independent. Keep the freedom to change input gain when needed. Including the Saturation stage. Laser-sharp. Couture’s 2-bands, half-spectral, RMS, program-dependent detector finds each and every…

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Elemental Child – Alien Outpost

21 Aufrufe 26.01.2024

„The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.“ – Bill Watterson

„Das sicherste Zeichen dafür, dass es irgendwo im Universum intelligentes Leben gibt, ist, dass es nie versucht hat, mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen.“ – Bill Watterson

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

Dreamtonics Synthesizer V Studio Basic Edition v1.11.0b2 (incl. Lite Voices Databases) STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

A new dimension of music production. Life-like and responsive vocals at your fingertip. Warmth and tonality are hallmarks of the human singing voice. Behind the scenes, Synthesize V leverages a deep neural network-based synthesis engine capable of generating incredibly life-like singing voices. Plus, unlike other solutions that utilize neural networks,…

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Slate Digital Fresh Air v1.0.9 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]


MEET FRESH AIR Add the smoothest high end you’ve ever heard without even a hint of harshness. Fresh Air is a dynamic high frequency processor that breathes new life into your mix with just two knobs. Fresh Air combines serious audio processing behind a gorgeous facade. Based on vintage exciter…

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Lotus Sound AERIAL EQ v1.0.0 VST VST3 AU WiN macOS [FREE]


Introducing the new AERIAL EQ, an innovative semi-parametric tube equalizer plugin that elevates your audio experience to new heights. Crafted with precision and creativity in mind, this plugin offers a unique feature set, including the distinctive „Air“ function. The AERIAL EQ is your go-to tool for shaping and enhancing audio…

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Steinberg Taped Vibes FOR HALion [FREE]

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Taped Vibes takes one of the most iconic electric pianos and gives it a completely new, smooth, jazzy, laid-back spin. This free HALion instrument was sampled through the old tape of a Space Echo, a vintage pre-amp and through a high-quality DI box, giving you the freedom to play everything…

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Caelum Audio Tape Cassette 2 v1.3.0 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]


Nostalgic Saturation Tape Cassette 2 is an audio plugin that emulates the warmth, noise and character of old tape cassettes. Following up from our well received Tape Cassette 1, we’ve updated the plugin with a sleek interface and more changes under the hood too. Introduce warmth, shaping, modulation and noise…

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The Department Of Sound Ecoslap v1.0.0 VST3 AU AAX WiN MACOS [FREE]


EcoSlap is a delay plugin derived from the Ecoplate I plate reverb, utilizing Ecoplate’s shortest decay setting with additional high and low-pass filtering, pre-delay, and creative mix controls. It’s a different kind of slap-delay, with its signature sound originating from a true analog plate reverb. Free, forever. Derived from Ecoplate,…

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Surge XT v1.3.0 x32 x64 VST3 AU CLAP Standalone LiNUX WiNDOWS macOS [FREE]

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Surge XT is a digital synth and makes no bones about it. If you have used it in the past, it will be like welcoming an old friend back into your life. If you are new to Surge XT, welcome to the party. Come on in, the water is fine….

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AudioSculpt As Plug-ins – A set of audio plug-ins that allows transforming sound in a creative way. ASAP is a set of audio plug-ins that takes over and adapts some of the features of AudioSculpt in order to be used in digital audio workstations. You are invited to play with…

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Fuse Audio Labs VPRE 72 v1.0.0 x64 x86 VST2 VST3 AU AAX WiN macOS [FREE]


Epic Tube Sound – Vintage Tube Preamp RECORDING HISTORY Some pieces of classic studio equipment just don’t need an introduction: Here is the VPRE-72! The archetypal preamp was released in the early 1950s and built by several iconic brands such as Maihak, TAB, Siemens and TFK. A legend in itself…

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Fuse Audio Labs RS-W2395C v2.6.0 x64 x86 VST2 VST3 AU AAX WiN macOS [FREE]


Neo Classic Baxandall EQ – The Best Things In Life 1950 MEETS 2019 The W2395c is a classic Baxandall EQ combined with a powerful and beautifully sounding mid band. As solitary or complementing equalizer with that special something, its particular tone and slightly interactive bands let your tracks stand out…

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Fuse Audio Labs VREV 666 v2.6.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows macOS [FREE]


Spring Time – Spring Reverb STEEL WIRE STYLE The VREV-666 is an incredibly rare spring reverb from the 1960s that was initially designed to alter the apparent acoustic properties of listening environments. Originally built for the BBC, this compact studio legend oozes the typical rich, bouncy, and unpredictable vibe of…

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Yum Audio LoFi Flux Light v1.6.0 x64 VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Fluxlight Productimage.2a8e238

This light version of Flux Machine is a tape emulation plugin that delivers analog warmth and dynamic texture to your audio tracks. This plugin provides the intricate Tape Warble effect with dual-time modes for session synchronization or free-running tape movement. Using the Instability control, you can customize the randomness and…

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Linda Audio Hyperdrive v1.0.0 x86 x64 VST VST3 Windows [FREE]

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The core of Hyperdrive are three distortion models – one diode and two tubes. You can adjust its drive and bias and engage additional gain boost. Distortion goes from really subtle saturation to rich screaming distortion especially with the Tube 2 selected. You can adjust input signal gain, output gain…

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In Session Audio Fruit Shake KONTAKT [Free For Limited Time]

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APPLE. BANANA. LEMON. ORANGE. CARROT. Fruit Shake presents four fruit-shaped shakers and one carrot (for your good health!) in an easy-to-use interface based on our Shimmer Shake Strike percussion engine. Designed for the free Kontakt Player platform, Fruit Shake is a musical, fun and simple way to add shaker sounds…

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