The Usual Suspects Xenia (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.4.4 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Xenia, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf Microwave XT. Changelog: 1.4.4 (2025/03/09): Release Notes 1.4.4 Xenia: – [Imp] Add support to load patches from files that include custom waves and wavetables – [Imp] Wave Editor has been added to…

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Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.4.2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE] Update

RipplerX is a physically modeled synth, capable of sounds similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision. Features: Cross-platform available on Windows, Linux and macOS. Dual resonators with serial and parallel coupling. 9 Models of acoustic resonators: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube and Closed tube. Inharmocity, Tone,…

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Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.1.3 vsti3 au lv2 Windows macOS Linux [FREE] Update

RipplerX is a physically modeled synth, capable of sounds similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision. Features: Open source and Cross-platform, available on Windows, Linux and macOS. Dual resonators with serial and parallel coupling. 9 Models of acoustic resonators: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube and Closed…

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RipplerX Synth (Physical Modeling) Plugin by Tilr VSTI3 AU LV2 Windows MacOS Linux Free

RipplerX is a physically modeled synth, capable of sounds similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision. Features: Open source and Cross-platform, available on Windows, Linux and macOS. Dual resonators with serial and parallel coupling. 9 Models of acoustic resonators: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube and Closed tube. Inharmocity,…

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Marcos Rivas Desert Resonator (Creative Tones Generator) v1.0.0 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Desert Resonator is a generator plug-in composed of a wavetable synthesizer, a physical modeling stage, an analog modeling low-pass filter, and a flanger. It can provide a diverse range of sounds, allowing you to create a palette of completely different tones. I developed the signal processing for each stage entirely from…

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ChristofMuc KnobKraft Orm v2.5.1 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

The KnobKraft Orm – The free modern cross-platform MIDI Sysex Librarian If you are looking for a modern, free Sysex Librarian for your synth, you have found the right place! This is the place where the KnobKraft Orm is created, a modern cross-platform Sysex Librarian for your MIDI gear. Questions…

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Plugdata v0.9.1 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

A visual programming environment for audio experimentation, prototyping and education. plugdata is a free/open-source visual programming environment based on pure-data. It is available for a wide range of operating systems, and can be used both as a standalone app, or as a VST3, LV2, CLAP or AU plugin. plugdata allows…

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Florian Mrugalla Overdrive ReNEO VST3 Windows MacOS [FREE]

an mda overdrive tribute project Hello, welcome to my Overdrive ReNEO project page. As the name suggests this is a tribute on mda overdrive. But it’s not a remake. The developer hollance maintains this project, in which he attempts to convert all of the iconic mda plugins to modern JUCE-projects:…

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Matthijs Hollemans S(M)exoscope v1.0.1 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

This is Bram de Jong’s classic s(M)exoscope plug-in with the source code cleaned up, documented, and modernized for JUCE 8. For years I’ve been using Bram & Sean’s s(M)exoscope to inspect the waveform output of my plug-ins. It’s a very useful debugging tool. Recently I upgraded — finally! — to…

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DamRsn NeuralNote (Audio To MiDi) v1.1.0 VSTI3 AU STANDALONE LiNUX Windows MacOS [FREE]

NeuralNote is the audio plugin that brings state-of-the-art Audio to MIDI conversion into your favorite Digital Audio Workstation. Works with any tonal instrument (voice included) Supports polyphonic transcription Supports pitch bend detection Lightweight and very fast transcription Allows to adjust the parameters while listening to the transcription Allows to scale and…

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Sjoerd Van Kreel Firefly Synth v1.9.9 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

A semi-modular software synthesizer and fx plugin. It’s basically InfernalSynth’s big brother. Features: Theming support. Global unison Stereo spread + voice detune. LFO and oscillator phase offset. LFO and envelope „detuning“. 5 oscillators Noise generator. Karplus-strong generator with 2 modes. Sine + bandlimited saw / triangle / square + pwm….

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Gabriel Bizzo Biztortion v1.0.0 vst3 WiN Mac [FREE]

Modular distortion plugin for VST-based hosts made with C++ and JUCE framework. The software in question is designed to carry out very creative sound design, providing various very useful tools mainly for the production of Electronic Dance Music, without however excluding a possible use related to audio post-production. Windows/MacOS installers…

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Matteo Bernardini Frequalizer v2.0.0 VST3 AU WiN Mac [FREE]

This project provides a 6-band Parametric Equalizer built using JUCE and the juce::dps module. The code is based on the work of Foley Finest and has been forked in order to continue development for my personal needs, since, at the time of writing, the original project is unmaintaned since 2022….

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Raphael Radna Xenos v1.0.1 VSTi3 AU LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Xenos is a virtual instrument plug-in that implements and extends the Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis (DSS) algorithm invented by Iannis Xenakis. Programmed in C++ with the JUCE framework, Xenos is open-source, cross-platform, and can be built in a number of plug-in formats. Key features include: Authentic DSS engine Xenharmonic pitch quantizer…

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Black Box Audio Rotor v1.0.0 VST3 AU WiN Mac [FREE]

Ring modulation effect plugin written in C++ ⚙️ Rotor is a variable waveform ring modulation plugin targeting VST3 and AU for OS X and Windows platforms. It uses wavetable synthesis to generate various simple waveforms that act as the modulation signal for the input. It is compiled using the JUCE…

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Matthew Yee King AI Improviser Plugin v0.2 Standalone VST3 AU Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A VST plugin that learns from an incoming MIDI stream and improvises with what it has learnt This is a VST plugin built with the JUCE framework for macOS, Windows and Linux. If you send it MIDI, it will learn in real-time and improvise with the model. Wire its MIDI…

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Monocasual Laboratories Giada (Loop Machine) v1.1.0 Standalone Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Your Hardcore Loop Machine. Giada is an open source, minimalistic and hardcore music production tool. Designed for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians.Giada is a loop machine. Build your performance in real time by layering audio tracks or MIDI events, driven by the main sequencer. 1. Giada is a loop…

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Xunil Cloud CloudReverb v0.2 VST VST3 AU LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

algorithmic reverb plugin based on CloudSeed This is an audio plugin for algorithmic reverb. The algorithm is borrowed from CloudSeed VST by Valdemar Erlingsson. I try to rewrite the plugin with JUCE, so it can be also run on Linux and MacOS. CloudReverb has been tested on Linux and Windows….

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Digital Suburban Dexed v0.9. VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Dexed is a multi platform, multi format plugin synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7. Under the hood it uses music-synthesizer-for-android for the synth engine and JUCE as an application/plugin wrapper. The goal of this project is to be a tool/companion for the original DX7. Sound engine with…

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Arthur Benilov Aeolus (Pipe Organ Synthesizer) v0.2.1 VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Pipe organ emulator using additive synthesis as a VSTi or AU plugin (or a stand-alone executable).Aeolus was originally developed by Fons Adriaensen and presented in 2004. The original implementation is Linux only and can be found here (or across Linux distribution packages). At present it looks like Aeolus development has…

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Midilab JC-303 (Roland TB-303 Bass Synthesizer) v0.11.0 VST3 AU LV2 CLAP LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

JC303 is Bass Synthesizer Audio Plugin, clone of Roland TB-303. This project is a JUCE port of Robin Schmidt’s Open303 DSP engine, with a mission to make Open303 accessible across different platforms and plugin formats. Our goal is to provide musicians and producers with a seamless experience to harness the incredible…

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Jd-13 KlangFalter (Convolution Audio Plugin) v1.0.0 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Convolution audio plugin (e.g. for usage as convolution reverb) KlangFalter is a convolution audio plugin, e.g. for usage as convolution reverb. I started its development a couple of time ago because I couldn’t find a convolution reverb plugin which suited my needs – and because I was curious about audio…

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Leo McCormack Sparta (Spatial Audio Real Time Applications) v1.7.1 x86 x64 VST VST3 LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A collection of open-source VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for producing and reproducing spatial sound scenes.Spatial Audio Real-Time Applications (SPARTA) [1]. A collection of VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation. Developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework. Plug-in descriptions: AmbiBIN – A binaural Ambisonic decoder (up to 10th order)…

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