Suzumushi SoundObject v3.1.1 VST3 Windows [FREE]

SoundObject creates a binaural sound with the senses of three-dimensional sound localization from a monaural acoustic source and its positional information. It supports headphones-based as well as stereo speakers-based 3D spatial sound. Furthermore, it could also support headphones monitoring of stereo speakers sound. Conventional three-dimensional binaural sound processors implement sound…

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NeuralRack Amplifier Simulator Plugin by brummer LV2 Windows Linux Free

NeuralRack is a Neural Model loader (based on Ratatouille), it allow to load two model files and run them serial. The input/output could be controlled separate for each model. It supports *.nam files with the Neural Amp Modeler engine, or *.json or .aidax files with the RTNeural engine. For tone…

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Overloud Immersive Studio Free EXPANSiON FOR REmatrix [FREE]

IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE WITH STEREO SPEAKERS Take your mixes beyond stereo – experience immersion today (10 Reverb IRs, 15 Presets). Until now, immersive sound was achieved mainly through binaural techniques, which only worked on headphones. With Immersive Studio, we’ve taken it a step further: thanks to the MoReVoX proprietary IR design…

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PastToFutureReverbs Vintage Telephone Mic IR’s! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV FREE

You will get 3 different telephone mic IR’s from the 50s, 60s, and 70s in this collection. Great for a vintage Vocal FX and for that famous lo-fi radio vocal sound from the charts! 48 kHz Wav Files

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Impulse by Bojo software x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

Impulse: 16 voices analog synth 1, 2 or 4 oscillators in each voice Two volume envelopes 5 different oscillator waveforms Waveforms effectively anti-aliased Pulse width/diustortion 4 different resonant filters 2 LFO’s with 8 different waveforms Portamento & Autobend Stereo FX (Chorus, Flanger, Delay etc.) Overdrive LFO and FX temposync Several MIDI-controllers implemented…

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ML Sound Lab Mikko Reflex Free Version v3.0.6 VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE Windows MacOS [FREE]

Place mics, mix speakers and export unlimited .wav IRs. The Future of Guitar Tone – MIKKO is the most sophisticated guitar cab sim in the world. Now powered by our cutting-edge Reflex format, it delivers a full-range and mix-ready tone with a flat response. Traditional guitar cabs are not optimized…

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Variety Of Sound BaxterEQ v1.2.1 VST VST3 Windows [FREE]

ransparent mastering and mix buss shelving EQ Finest tonal sweetening and finishing which always stays true to the source. Natural and accurate bass response. Authentic analog style HF curve rendering. Smoothest shelving operation. Perfectly suited for the mastering chain. Stepped controls throughout for repeatability and matched channel operation. Full dual…

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Ink Audio 8 Bit Cicadas Kontakt [FREE]

Because if you can’t beat ‚em, join ‚em. There’s a 13 year cicada brood emerging right now in Tennessee. They make this loud, high pass filtered, undulating, pulsing, chaotic but somehow organized sound. 8 Bit Cicadas is a free library that tips it’s hat to the singers just outside the…

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CodeFN42 ToneXdb Explorer v1.32 WiN [FREE]

ToneXdb Explorer is an application that allows you to explore and edit data in IK Multimedia’s ToneX tone model database. It helps you keep track of all the tone models, presets and impulse responses that are stored in the ToneX database your computer, whether you have created them yourself, imported them,…

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Wire Grind Impulse Response Library v2 WAV [FREE]

Wire Grind Impulse Response Sample Library contains impulse responses that you can use with convolution reverb software. The impulses are synthesized using an algorithm that combines theoretical physics and measured acoustical data to produce realistic perceptually tuned impulses. If you need more customized impulse responses, see our impulse response modeler….

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Revolt DSP EVOampLite (Guitar Amp Simulator) v1.2 VST3 AU STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

We are very proud to present our First Guitar Amp simulator! This is provided to you for free, to give you a taste of our full EVOampSuite launching in September. EVOampSuite provides over 40 year of rock and metal tone history in one plugin. EVOampLite provides you with one of…

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Nathan Blair Halo 3D Pan (Binaural Panning) v1.1 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Your Sound in Three Dimensions. HALO 3D Pan is a binaural panning plugin. It uses pre-recorded binaural impulse responses to simulate the sound of a sound source moving around the listener’s head. HALO 3D Pan has four main controls: azimuth, elevation, width, and focus. Azimuth controls the angle of the…

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Sonora Cinematic SwishSwoosh Little Amber (Cinematic Horror Tension) v1.2 KONTAKT [FREE]

BUILD CINEMATIC TENSION WITH EASE Little AMBER is a versatile Kontakt Player tool for crafting dark spine-chilling soundscapes with ease. Eerie atmospheres or suspenseful audio is just a touch away – download it for free and when you’re ready for more get AMBER for even more features and sounds! Released…

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Sound Dust Drift Bad Pianos KONTAKT [FREE]

A bad piano that sounds great​​ 700MB of 24bit multi samples noise, weird looping, uneven notes, wow, flutter & multi throb. I know you’ve already got hundreds of ‚proper‘ pianos, that sound like proper pianos and behave like proper pianos, but you haven’t got anything as improper as BAD PIANOS….

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Kit Plugins Burier v2.0.2 VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Real saturation. Just Bury It! Burier’s musical saturation stage is followed by a pair of resonant low- and high-cut filters for optimal tonal shaping. The filters have a 12 dB per octave slope and are IIR (Infinite Impulse Responses) featuring a TPT (topology-preserving transform) structure. Their behavior is based on…

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Sonora Cinematic SwishSwoosh Little Amber (Cinematic Horror Tension) v1.1.0 KONTAKT [FREE]

BUILD CINEMATIC TENSION WITH EASE Little AMBER is a versatile Kontakt Player tool for crafting dark spine-chilling soundscapes with ease. Eerie atmospheres or suspenseful audio is just a touch away – download it for free and when you’re ready for more get AMBER for even more features and sounds! Released…

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Sampleson CollaB3 (Vintage Tonewheel Organ Emulation) v2.5.2 VSTi3 AU STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

NOW INCLUDING ROTARY SPEAKER MODELING. CollaB3 V2 is the recreation of the classic tonewheel organ now including a dedicated rotary amplifier emulation with cabinet and drive coloring. CollaB3 V2 is offered in a Free version and a Pro version that includes a custom Rotary Amplifier panel for tweeking the sound…

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Forward Audio FaIR Post Grunge Guitar Cabinet IR Pack [FREE]

Unleash precise guitar tones with ‚faIR – Post Grunge,‘ featuring expertly blended IRs from Mesa, Marshall, and Engl cabinets. This pack delivers intricate tonal diversity with Super Blends, Fredman Technique variations, and pioneering Stereo IRs for detailed sound sculpting in modern rock and metal. Professional Grade Guitar Tones Enter the…

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Jd-13 KlangFalter (Convolution Audio Plugin) v1.0.0 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Convolution audio plugin (e.g. for usage as convolution reverb) KlangFalter is a convolution audio plugin, e.g. for usage as convolution reverb. I started its development a couple of time ago because I couldn’t find a convolution reverb plugin which suited my needs – and because I was curious about audio…

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Cab Lab 4 IR Mixer Plugin by Fractal Audio Systems

Cab Lab 4 by Fractal Audio Systems is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and a Software Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as an Au Plugin, a VST3 Plugin, an AAX Plugin and a Standalone Application. Cab Lab 4 Powerful IR Mixer and Tools Cab-Lab 4 with DynaCab makes…

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Dead Robot DR Ethereal Verb v1 VST VST3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

DR Ethereal Verb v1 //. – A send (bus) style convolution reverb, with separate low pass and high pass filters for both dry and wet signals, and a wet input knob to automate and „throw“ reverb in a pleasing way. Perfect for ethereal vocals, synths, pianos, guitar, and beautiful cinematic…

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Yuri Semenov YS Vox v1.25 x64 vst vst3 au Windows MacOS [FREE][free download]

Audio plugin for adding effects to voice and instruments. Update of the stereo version of „YS-VOX“ This version – Two Mono has independent settings for channels, and can also work in Mid-Side mode. In the „in-1m“ mode (mono input – the sum of the left and right channels), all settings…

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Ryukau Uhhyou Plugins Bundle v0.61.0 VST3 VSTI3 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

35 VST3 Synthesizers & Effects Plugins: Synthesizers: ClangSynthh CollidingCombSynth CubicPadSynth EnvelopedSine FDNCymbal GenericDrum IterativeSinCluster MaybeSnare MembraneSynth LightPadSynth SyncSawSynth TrapezoidSynth UltraSynth WaveCymbal Effects: AccumulativeRingMod BasicLimiter CombDistortion EsPhaser FDN64Reverb FeedbackPhaser L4Reverb LatticeReverb LongPhaser MiniCliffEQ NarrowingDelay OrdinaryPhaser ParallelComb ParallelDetune PitchShiftDelay RingModSpacer SevenDelay UltrasonicRingMod GenericDrum: GenericDrum is a generic drum synthesizer using delays. This…

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Soundly Place it (Sound Environment Emulator) v1.1.3 VST3 AU AAX WINDOWS MACOS [FREE]

Place it lets you emulate the sound of a chosen speaker and place it in one of 40 different environments – all based on expertly recorded convolution impulse responses in true stereo. As a sound effects platform obsessed with high-quality audio, the bar was high when we developed Place it….

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CodeFN42 ToneXdb Explorer v1.31 Windows Standalone [FREE]

ToneXdb Explorer is an application that allows you to explore and edit data in IK Multimedia’s ToneX tone model database. It helps you keep track of all the tone models, presets and impulse responses that are stored in the ToneX database your computer, whether you have created them yourself, imported…

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GuitarML Proteus v1.2.0 VST3 AU AAX Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Guitar amp and pedal capture plugin using neural networks. Capture your own amps/pedals/plugins with Proteus. Can capture a drive/tone knob, or snapshot of the sound at a specific setting. Use the Proteus Capture Utility to quickly train models in the cloud with Colab. Effective for Amps/PreAmps, Distortion/Overdrive/Boost pedals (non-time based,…

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Lucid Storm Audio Somnium Kontakt [FREE]

Somnium is a sample library for Kontakt that allows you to create rich and evolving sounds using analog synth waveforms. Blend triangle, saw, and square waveforms with the XY pad, and add depth, dimension and textures with 6 unique convolution effects. Somnium is perfect for ambient, cinematic, and experimental music….

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Place it Environments Plugin by Soundly x64 VST3 AAX AU Windows MacOS Free

The Place it plugin in Soundly Voice Designer was so popular that Soundly received countless requests for a standalone plugin for all DAWs and editing suites – and they listened. Place it lets you emulate the sound of a chosen speaker and place it in one of 40 different environments – all…

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Psycle Tracker by Psycle Standalone x86 Windows free

Psycle is a free, Open-Source, music creation program that offers an easy way to create your own music, fast, and with high quality. Psycle uses a classical tracker interface (a text grid of notes which are sequenced one after the other), coupled with modularity (plugins) that allow to extend the sounds…

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