GroundControl CASTER Live by Ginger Audio

GroundControl CASTER Live by Ginger Audio is an Audio Plugin Host for macOS. It can host Audio Units Plugins. GroundControl CASTER is a new and completely FREE version of the GroundControl Cube. This version will replace the beloved GroundControl Cube & Caster with an all-in-one software to accommodate all your audio routing and mixing…

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Dein Zug!

„Mein Zug kommt“, verabschiede ich mich und beiße mir auf die Zunge, dass mir keine dümmere Ausrede eingefallen ist, um dem langweiligen Gespräch zu entkommen. „Welcher Zug?“, fragt mein Gegenüber, „glauben Sie an fahrende Züge? An den Storch glauben Sie wohl auch noch.“ Ich drehe mich um und gehe unentschuldigt. Da schwebt eine Dieselwolke vom Himmel herab und entbindet einen Regionalzug, der Folgendes zu mir spricht:

Du hast mich mächtig angezogen / an meiner Sphäre lang gesogen. / Da bin ich! – Welch erbärmlich Grauen / fasst Fahrgast dich! Wo bleibt der Freudenruf / zu dem die Deutsche Bahn dich einst erschuf? / Bist du es, der von meinem Rauch umwittert / in Altmetallwaggons das Land durchzittert, / ein wie Verkehrswege gekrümmter Wurm? / Auf Ausfallplänen, im Lügensturm / fahr ich hin und her, / schlaf ich ein und aus! / Im Durchsagen-Lügenmeer / und in deiner Phantasie zu Haus. / Ein wechselndes Fehlen / ein Zeit-und-Geld-Stehlen / so schlaf ich auf dem Webstuhl der Zeit / als Gottes mobile Unsichtbarkeit!

Aber ich seh schon: Klassik tröstet dich auch nicht. Dauerkarteninhaber, du dauerst mich. „Host dem Auto abgeschworn, hot sich’s fia di ausgefohrn.“ Ist noch vom Andi, dem alten Verkehrsmistbauer. Der neue kann gar kein Bayerisch, ich frag mich, wie der das CSU-Wahlprogramm fehlerfrei abschreiben konnte. Aber ich merk schon, Politik ist auch nicht so deins. Du reist gerne? Ja, das ist grad schlecht. Die Zeiten haben gewendet, weißt du: U-Turn gemacht und weg. Überall Vergangenheit. Aktuell ist Verweilen angesagt. Wie viele deutsche Bahnhöfe kennst du überhaupt? Behauptet, ich würde nirgends mehr fahren, und belegt seine Behauptung mit fünf bis sieben Heimatbahnhöfen. Da beleg ich jedes Gleis wahrscheinlicher als der die Tatsache meines Nichtvorhandenseins. Man kommt schließlich mit dem Fahrrad auch zum Bahnhof. Einfach mal Fresse halten und die Bahnhöfe des Heimatlands abradeln! Ich könnt grad neidisch werden, ich weiß gar nimmer, wie ihr ausschaut, ihr stillen Guten allüberall.

Trotzdem sage ich: Garage ist besser. In der Garage geht nichts kaputt. Also nicht, weil nichts mehr ganz wär. Sondern, weil da ganz andere Bedingungen herrschen. Garagen sind die Bodenhaltung der Fahrzeuge. Ein Fahrzeugwohllabel ist meines Wissings schon im parlamentarischen Verfahren. O Gott, das klingt so nach „Fahren“ …! Nee, langsam, die Mehrheit kommt zu Stande, read it from my screen. Immer bloß die Tierarten werden gerettet – wir Züge sterben auch aus! Der landesweite Museumsstatus muss jetzt kommen und dann darf kein Weiß- oder Schwarzfahrer mehr in uns fahren dürfen. Dann muss jeder stehend von der Bahnsteigkante Abstand halten müssen, und zwar von uns. Da kann es keine zwei Meinungen mehr geben und am besten gar keine mehr. Nur noch die Lautsprecherdurchsage auf dem Bahnsteig. Reicht doch. Was für die Deutsche Bahn gut ist, kann für Deutschland nicht schlecht sein. STOP STOP STOP = Deutschlands Galopp!

Ach komm, jetzt ist er mir eingeschlafen, der Fahrgast. Na den werd ich wecken. Der wird vor seinem fahrplanmäßig erwarteten Zug noch mal einschlafen! Ganz leise alles Liebe ins Ohr geflüstert:

Dein Zug!

Schachmatt!! – – – Ääh. – Wiebittewass??

Sorry. Ist mir noch nie passiert: In der eigenen Kolumne eingeschlafen! Peinlich.

Aber was hatte ich auch für einen süßen Traum! Einen Schach–Traum. Grad hatte ich einem rot-gelb-grünen König Matt IN EINEM ZUG angesagt …

BassMatrix by Witech

BassMatrix by Witech is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and a Standalone Application for Windows. It functions as a VST 3 Plugin and a Standalone Application. BassMatrix is a synth that trying to sound like the classic TB-303 bassline synth and provide a simple interface to program the patterns. You can use MIDI PLAY…

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Love-Fi 2 Lite by Quiet Music

Love-Fi 2 Lite is a free VST/VST3/AU instruments, specially designed for composition and production of Lo-Fi beats, ChillWave, Chillhop or Lo-Fi Ambient among others. Love-Fi 2 Lite contains 21 fully functional presets, selected from the modules: Midnight, Things & Rhythm all available in the full version. What’s new in Love-Fi 2…

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SampleScience Stylo Synthesis v1.0 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS KONTAKT [FREE]

Stylo Synthesis is a virtual recreation of the famous portable organ from the 60s. Most stylophone plugins and libraries use very short samples that don’t reflect the unstable nature of this instrument. For Stylo Synthesis, each note has been sampled for 5 seconds to capture these magic imperfections. The result…

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Mel-Lofi by audiolatry

Mel-Lofi is a free virtual instrument plugin (ROMpler) for digital audio workstations on Windows and macOS. This virtual instrument is based on the Mellotron samples recorded by KVR member Taijiguy and brings a total of 23 presets distributed across 5 main instrument categories. All the samples were slightly edited and looped…

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FLUX StereoTool v3 v21.12.0.50123 VST AU AAX WiN macOS x86 x64 [FREE]

The Complete Stereo Imaging And Analysis Tool StereoTool offers ultra-precise control of input gain and individual pan for left and right channels, accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal content with; a vector scope, PPM meters for inputs/outputs, phase correlation meter permanently monitoring the signal and individual left and right polarity…

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Togu Audio TAL-Reverb-4 v3.0.0 VST VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiN macOS [FREE]

TAL-Reverb-4 is a high quality plate reverb with a vintage 80’s character. FEATURES Modulated vintage reverb sound. Very diffuse sound. Fast build up time, also with long reverb sounds. Works on almost every audio material. Easy to use. Only stereo channels supported. Requirements: Windows: Windows 7 or higher (64 bit…

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Lost-Tapes by SuperflyDSP

Lost-Tapes effect is based on tape emulation, but do not claim to model any hardware model. Lost-tapes modify with character your sound with state of the art algorithms. Plugins can be used mainly on instruments (like guitar, vocals or keyboards.), but also on stem track like drum-kit or stacked chord track….

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VCV Rack v2.1.0 Standalone WiNDOWS MACOS LiNUX [FREE]

Dark room mode Save your eyes at night with adjustable room brightness. Module selections Save, share, edit, and move around selections of modules. Enhanced module browser Zoom, favorite, and sort your module collection. DAW plugin only in Rack Pro VST2 + more plugin formats coming soon Save patches inside your…

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Cardinal Rack v22.04 VST2 VST3 AU x64 x86 ARM WiNDOWS macOS LiNUX [FREE]

Cardinal is a free and open-source virtual modular synthesizer plugin, available as JACK standalone and AU, LV2, VST2 and VST3 audio plugin for FreeBSD, Linux, macOS and Windows. It is based on the popular VCV Rack but with a focus on being a fully self-contained plugin version. More specifically, this…

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Voxengo Sound Delay 1.12 Free (Win/Mac)

Sound Delay is an auxiliary multi-channel signal delaying AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. You may specify delay time in both milliseconds and samples, with a high level of precision. This plugin – being technical in its purpose – provides a basic signal delaying…

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Voxengo AnSpec 1.5 Free (Win/Mac)

AnSpec is an analog-style one/third-octave spectrum analyzer AAX, AudioUnit, and VST plugin for professional music production applications. It was designed to be a handy visual feedback tool for those who like visual smoothness and easiness of use of analog analyzers. AnSpec also provides peak level indication. AnSpec features a selectable…

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Slate Digital Fresh Air V1.0.8 Mac / Win Intel or Apple Silicon (M1) Processor AU VST2 VST3 or AAX 64-bit FREE

MEET FRESH AIR Add the smoothest high end you’ve ever heard without even a hint of harshness. Fresh Air is a dynamic high frequency processor that breathes new life into your mix with just two knobs. MORE THAN JUST A PRETTY FACE Fresh Air combines serious audio processing behind a…

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Zen by Quiet Music

Zen is a free instrument for Windows and Mac compatible with our QM Sounds player. A Sound Bank created from a Tibetan singing bowl tuned to 432 Hz and processed with high quality effect pedals and plugins. QM Sounds is the name given to our new sample player, focused on relaxation music, meditation,…

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Flux Mini 2 by Caelum Audio

Flux Mini 2 is an audio effect that adds life, character and dynamism to your tracks. The customisable graph creates a shape which can be used to modulate filter cutoff, filter resonance, amplitude and mix. Just create a shape on the graph and set your desired amount of modulation using…

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T-Force Alpha Plus 2 by Mastrcode Music

T-Force Alpha Plus 2 has all the features oft its predecessor plus some enhanced and also some new features: a new graphical user interface with customizable colors, new designed oscillators with a new „analog drift“ mode, new designed envelopes, a new filter with a lot more filter types, new and better…

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VLT Lo-Fi by Quiet Music

VLT LO-FI is a free instrument for Windows and Mac compatible with our QM Sounds player. A Sound Bank created from recording a VL-Tone keyboard on a Cassette Tape Recorder from 1985, authentic LO-Fi sound without added effects. QM Sounds is the name given to our new sample player, focused on relaxation music,…

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Greenoak Crystal v2.5.5 (MacOS/Windows) [FREE][x86,x64,vsti,au]

Crystal is a semi-modular software synthesizer featuring both subtractive synthesis and frequency modulation (FM) synthesis. It offers abundant modulation control with over 90 parameters which may be modulated, multi-stage envelopes with graphical editors, extensive tempo sync of envelopes/lforates/delay times, built-in effects for chorus/flanging/comb filtering/echoes, and a band splitter for effects…

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Clear Glass by Quiet Music

Clear Glass is a free instrument for Windows and Mac compatible with our QM Sounds player. A Sound Bank created from recordings of wine glasses and processed with high-quality effects pedals and plugins. Features: Windows & Mac. 11 Presets. 64-bit. LFO Modulation controls. ADSR controls. Reverb. Glide. Lowpass/Highpass Filter. Two additional…

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PlastikGuitar by audiolatry

PlastikGuitar by audiolatry is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VSTi Plugin, an AU Plugin and a VSTi3 Plugin. PlastikGuitar is a free VST/AU instrument plugin (ROMpler) for DAWs and other plugin host software running on Windows and macOS. This small guitar instrument is…

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Bondage by Z3 Audiolabs[windows,vst,x86]

Bondage is a fully modular multi-effect VST plugin which contains 17 modules. Beside the five effect modules it offers 5 modulation sources, a MIDI-in module, four modifiers, an X-fade module, a four-channel mixer and a scope to provide visual reference of your signals. The fully modular structure allows you every…

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Voxengo MSED 3.7 Win/Mac (Free)

MSED is a professional audio encoder-decoder AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for mid-side processing which is able to encode (split) the incoming stereo signal into two components: mid-side pair, and vice versa: decode mid-side signal pair into stereo signal. MSED is also able to work in the “inline” mode with…

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WaveAssault by TrapDoor Audio[Windows,MacOS,VSTi,AU]

A powerful and versatile synth capable of an almost endless supply of sounds. Five banks of waveforms cover it all – subtractive, FM, instrument modeling, chip sounds, granular, additive, and more! In total there are 519 waveforms generated by four oscillators with 3 filter options – this adds up to…

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Voxengo SPAN 3.14 (Win/Mac) Free

SPAN is a free real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. For the most part it was derived from Voxengo GlissEQ dynamic parametric equalizer and reproduces its spectrum analysis functionality. SPAN provides you with a very flexible “mode”…

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PaulXStretch by Xenakios

PaulXStretch – VST2/AU Plugin for extreme time stretching and other spectral processing of audio This plugin is based on the PaulStretch algorithm. (Paul’s Extreme Time Stretch, originally developed by Nasca Octavian Paul.) No manual or demonstration video exists at the moment, but some information follows : The plugin is only…

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Darvaza by igorski

Igorski has released Darvaza, a FREE multi-channel gate with a twist. whenever the gate closes on your input signal, you get a perversion of your source spat back at you. It can however work as a time synchronized classic tremolo too. The gate uses different waveforms and its individually tunable…

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Crystal Harp by SampleScience

Crystal Harp by SampleScience is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and a Mobile Audio App for macOS, Windows, Linux and iOS. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin and a VST 3 Plugin. Crystal Harp is a virtual instrument featuring the sound of, you guessed it, a crystal harp. Its soft…

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TheChorus by TheZhe[free]

TheChorus is a versatile virtual analog chorus effect that combines digital chorus features with a hybrid analog-inspired bucket-brigade device (BBD)/ladder filter stage. Use TheChorus as a chorus, flanger, vibrato, stereo widener or doubler and decrease the cutoff for a warm yet gritty bite.   Standard chorus parameters: Rate, Depth, and Width. Non-standard…

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