Paralogy Paraphonic Synthesizer Plugin by Full Bucket Music VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX CLAP Windows MacOS Free

Paralogy is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX) simulating the paraphonic Crumar Trilogy and Stratus keyboards from the early 1980s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features: Close simulation of the original hardware. Fully „polyphonic“ paraphonic madness. Organ, Synthesizer and String sections. Additional Phaser and…

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Full Bucket Music MPS v2.0.0 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX CLAP x86 x64 WiN Mac [FREE]

MPS – short for „Musical Parameter Synthesizer“ – is a polyphonic software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VSTi2/VSTi3/AU/CLAP/AAX). It is written in native C++ code for high performance. The aim of MPS is to create sounds fast and easy using a small intuitive set of parameters…

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Full Bucket Music Ragnarok 2 (Analog Synthesizer) v2.0.0 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU CLAP AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Ragnarök is a software instrument simulating a custom-built one-of-a-kind analog synthesizer from 1980. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Ragnarök is the collaborative work of Hans Peter aka CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin (synth concept, GUI design, user manual, patch programming) and Björn aka Full…

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Full Bucket Music WhispAir v1.1.5 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

WhispAir is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX). It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: All parameters on one single page Three flexible wavetable oscillators Classic Full Bucket stereo filter Three modulation and four envelope…

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Full Bucket Music Broken Mini Synthesizer v0.8.15 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]

The Broken Mini is a software instrument for Apple Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Microsoft macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP/AAX) simulating an unknown and obscure synthesizer from the past (197–). It is written in native C++ code, but since it is broken, it is useless – even on „top-notch“ systems. Main features are: It’s broken….

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Full Bucket Music DrumTraqs (Sequential Circuits Drumtraks Machine) v1.0.0 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU AAX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

DrumTraqs is a software instrument simulating the classic Sequential Circuits Drumtraks drum computer from 1983. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Simulation of the original Z80 system used in the hardware Original factory and some additional ROM samples Old-school Pattern…

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Full Bucket Music FB-3300 v1.2.5 (Korg PS-3300) x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU AAX CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The FB-3300 is a software instrument simulating the KORG PS-3300 Polyphonic Synthesizer from 1977. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close emulation of behavior and all controls of the original hardware Three independent polyphonic synthesizer blocks Band-limited oscillators, classic two-pole…

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Full Bucket Music Bucket ONE (Crumar BIT 01/99 Synthesizer) v1.1.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 CLAP AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

The Bucket ONE is a software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VSTi2/VSTi3/AU/CLA0/AAXP) simulating the classic Crumar BIT 01/99 synthesizers from 1985. It is written in native C++ code for high performance even on „lighter“ systems. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware Visual sound…

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Full Bucket Music Oxid (ARP Omni-2) v1.0.1 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Oxid is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP/AU) simulating the classic ARP Omni-2 Polyphonic Synthesizer from the 1970s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware 64 voices polyphony String…

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Full Bucket Music Six-Traq v1.0.0 x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU WiN macOS [FREE]

Six-Traq is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX) simulating the classic Sequential Circuits Six-Trak synthesizer from 1984. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Special credits go to Kraftraum who did the Beta testing and designed many of…

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Full Bucket Music Bucket ONE v1.1.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN macOS [FREE]


The Bucket ONE is a software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the classic Crumar BIT 01/99 synthesizers from 1985. It is written in native C++ code for high performance even on „lighter“ systems. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware Visual sound…

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Oxid String Synthesizer Plugin by Full Bucket Music Windows MacOS VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU x86 x64


Oxid is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the classic ARP Omni-2 String Synthesizer from the 1970s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features: Close simulation of the original hardware. 64 voices polyphony. String and Synthesizer sections. Paraphonic madness. Additional Phaser…

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Full Bucket Music Ny v1.0.0 LiNUX WiN macOS [FREE]

Ny is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the classic KORG Lambda ES-50 Polyphonic Ensemble from 1979. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware 64 voices polyphony Percussive…

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Full Bucket Music FB-3100 v1.2.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 CLAP AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The FB-3100 is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the KORG PS-3100 Polyphonic Synthesizer from 1977. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close emulation of behavior and all controls of the original hardware…

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Full Bucket Music Grain Strain v1.1.1 x64 x86 VST VST3 CLAP AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Grain Strain is a software effect plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP). It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Flexible grain looping with Sync-to-Host options Envelopes for both grains and loop iterations (frames) „Grain Vocoder“: Grain frequency…

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Full Bucket Music The scrooo v2.0.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 CLAP AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The scrooo is a polyphonic software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VST2) and Apple macOS (VST2/AU) based on a spectral formant synthesis architecture and written in native C++ code for high performance. Main features are: Up to 64 voices polyphony including Unison mode and portamento Two band-limited carrier oscillators Three…

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Full Bucket Music The blooo v2.3.2 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 CLAP AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The blooo is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) based on the classic subtractive synthesis architecture. It is written in native C++ code for high performance even on „lighter“ systems. Main features are: Up to 64 voices polyphony including Unison mode and portamento Two band-limited…

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Full Bucket Music The Deputy Mark II v1.3.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Deputy Mark II is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) in the tradition of classic string machines and early „polyphonic“ synthesizers, written in native C++ code for high performance. The main features are: Polyphonic string/synthesizer (Poly) section and monophonic synthesizer (Mono) section Built-in Ensemble…

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Full Bucket Music Stigma ς v1.3.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Stigma is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the KORG Sigma KP-30 Performing Synthesizer from 1979. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Nineteen Presets with individual filters, envelopes, and amplifiers Two band-limited…

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Full Bucket Music MPS v1.2.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

MPS – short for „Musical Parameter Synthesizer“ – is a polyphonic software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP). It is written in native C++ code for high performance. The aim of MPS is to create sounds fast and easy using a small intuitive set of parameters…

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Full Bucket Music FB Phaser v2.0.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The Full Bucket Phaser is a software effect for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the functionality and sound of classic analog Phasers. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and extremely low CPU consumption. The main features are: Authentic simulation of classic analog Phaser…

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Full Bucket Music Nabla v1.3.1 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The Nabla is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the KORG Delta DL-50 Strings Synthesizer from 1979. Is is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. The main features are: Paraphonic Synthesizer and Strings sections Up to 64 voices…

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Full Bucket Music Brigade Delay v2.0.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

The Full Bucket Brigade Delay is a software effect for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the functionality and sound of classic analog delays. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and extremely low CPU consumption. The main features are: Authentic simulation of a Bucket…

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Full Bucket Music WhispAir v1.1.4 x64 x86 VST VST3 CLAP AU WiN MAC [FREE]

WhispAir is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU). It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: All parameters on one single page Three flexible wavetable oscillators Classic Full Bucket stereo filter Three modulation and four envelope…

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Full Bucket Music FB-3200 v1.1.1 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP Windows MacOS [FREE]

The FB-3200 is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the KORG PS-3200 Polyphonic Synthesizer from 1978. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close emulation of behavior and all controls of the original hardware…

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Full Bucket Music FB-7999 v1.1.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

FB-7999 is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the KORG DW-6000 and DW-8000 synthesizers from the 1980s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Two digital oscillators with 16 + 16 different waveforms Poly…

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Full Bucket Music Bucket Pops v1.1.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Bucket Pops is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the classic KORG Mini Pops-7 Rhythm Machine from 1966. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: That Oxygene and Equinoxe vibe! 20 original rhythms…

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Full Bucket Music Fury-800 v2.4.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Fury-800 is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the KORG Poly-800 polyphonic synthesizer from 1983. It is written in native C++ code for high performance even on „lighter“ systems. Main features are: Two band-limited DCOs with individual envelope generators Two waveforms with additive…

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Full Bucket Music PECS v1.0.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

PECS is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) based on the classic KORG PE-2000 Poly-Ensemble S string machine from 1976. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Humble recreation of 8 original presets Tweakable instrument…

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Full Bucket Music Bucket ONE v1.0.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Bucket ONE is a software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the classic Crumar BIT 01/99 synthesizers from 1985. It is written in native C++ code for high performance even on „lighter“ systems. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware Visual sound…

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