Bam Dorner Productions Analogica

Nix für Harmoniesüchtige 🙂

Improvisation mit dem Korg MS20 + Frula(Serbische Hirtenflöte) + Drum Computer Alles bis auf die Drums Live eingespielt.


Improvisation with the Korg MS20 + Frula(Serbian shepherd flute) + drum computer. Everything except the drums recorded live.

© Bam Dorner Productions 2010

Music-Society presents Serbian Frula Update V 0.2 by Bam Dorner Productions

First version is here  Frula is a small flute, which was and is often played by shepherds. Today it is mostly used in folklore orchestras. And I use it in jazzy music The plugin is an alpha version, so use it at your own risk. Has controls for ADSR, volume,…

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Music-Society presents Serbian Frula by Bam Dorner Productions

New attempt to build a custom plugin. Frula is a small flute, which was and is often played by shepherds. Today it is mostly used in folklore orchestras. The plugin is an alpha version, so use it at your own risk. Has controls for ADSR, volume, pan, filter and reverb….

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