PALETTE for REAKTOR by Flintpope

Record sessions with Reaktor’s onboard recorder, your DAW, with Quicktime/Soundflower, or simply play live as part of your stage set-up. CONTROLS Startpoint, Stereo Position, Sample Select, Mute, Gain, Pitch, Mid, Bass, ADSR, Velocity Sensitivity, Echo, 8 Pole Filter, Reverb, Glide and Master. MIDI CC14-21 assigned to Sample Selects 1-8 CC22-29…

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Flintpope Molekules Kontakt Sample Library [FREE]

Flintpope Molekules Kontakt Sample Library [FREE] MOLEKULES FOR KONTAKT 6 Is a free re-release (with a new interface) of a heritage instrument I made by playing a piano sample through various Reaktor Molekular presets with a view to creating haunting, evolving sounds, resulting in ten presets using ten unique samples….

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