“I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet.”
“Ich glaube, dass außerirdisches Leben im Universum recht häufig vorkommt, intelligentes Leben jedoch eher weniger. Manche sagen, dass es noch nicht auf dem Planeten erschienen ist,” – Stephen Hawking
Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child
Drums & Percussion by Martin Miers
© 2024
“Happy Halloween” !!!
Quagliardi Pro Audio BoomBlender Lite (576 FET Compressor) v0.1.1 VST3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]
Inspired by the BOOM setting of the renowned Quagliardi 576 FET Compressor, this plugin features a not-so-minimalist “one knob” design that blends the amount of compression and other processes applied. With this dry/wet approach, BoomBlender provides a professional, yet intuitive, sound shaping package.. In the digital domain, a plugin simplicity…