Robert K Groov Mekanik FREE STUFF! Bundle 001 (GMaudio) M4L AMXD Drift Presets & Tips [FREE]

Use the MIDI Effects (Chordz & Note Probability) to trigger the Drift Presets in interesting ways, then reshape the sounds to fit your mix with Squeeze, HiFreqLimiter & VSEQ. This bundle contains the majority of my free products, so you can quickly and easily download some fresh inspiration! GMaudio Squeeze…

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STR-X by arborealaudio

Custom digital guitar amp head, featuring a one-knob pedal-style distortion, pre- and power-amplifier gain stages, and a custom tone stack. The STR-X was built to be a simple but powerful, digitally-oriented guitar amp, one which isn’t based off of any pre-existing analog models. Tonally, it is capable of high gain,…

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Elemental Child – The last in line

„We’re a ship without a storm We’re the cold inside the warm We’re a laugh without a tear We’re the far without the near We’re the last in line.“ – Ronnie James Dio

„Wir sind ein Schiff ohne einen Sturm Wir sind die Kälte innerhalb der Wärme Wir sind ein Lachen ohne eine Träne Wir sind das Ferne ohne die Nähe Wir sind die letzten in der Reihe.“ – Ronnie James Dio