Caio M jiacomini Cristalera (Granular Glitch Effect) v01.00 WiN Mac [FREE]

Cristalera is a granular glitch audio effect plugin. You can use it in any DAW that accepts VST, VST3, or AU plugin formats. While those formats don’t work in Pro Tools, you can use a VST wrapper plugin like DDMF’s Metaplugin or BlueCat’s Patchwork to use them in Pro Tools….

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Caio M jiacomini Granulera v2.00 VSTI VSTI3 AU WiN Mac [FREE]

Granulera is a three oscillator granular synthesizer designed to create random and unpredictable textures. You can use it in any DAW that accepts VST, VST3, or AU plugin formats. While those formats don’t work in Pro Tools, you can use a VST wrapper plugin like DDMF’s Metaplugin or BlueCat’s Patchwork…

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Envelop Sound Envelop For Live v12.0.5 (Tools For Ambisonic 3D Panning) M4L Devices AMXD [FREE]

E4L (Envelop for Live) is an open-source spatial audio production toolkit that allows artists to produce and perform unforgettable events in Envelop listening spaces, or explore their own DIY projects. E4L operates within Ableton Live Suite (10-11+) and is designed to be a flexible platform for artists to compose with…

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Yuri Semenov YS Vintage Channel Strip 20th v1.04 vst vst3 au Windows MacOS [FREE] Free DownLoad!

„YS – Vintage Channel Strip 20th“ mixer channel strip plugin contains a basic set of mixing tools. Compressor – Expander – Peak Limiter, Equalizer, Panning and Room Emulator. Saturation with even harmonics (Saturate) Light „toning-warming“ makes the sound softer by removing the 6 kHz harshness (Warm) Panning can be done…

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Yuri Semenov YS Analog Machine v1.01 vst vst3 au Windows MacOS [FREE][Free Download]

YS – Analog Machine_ v.1.01 Audio plugin for creating a sound color reminiscent of a tape recorder. The plugin has 16 presets with different frequency response with which you can easily select a suitable tone sound. You can also add saturation. The Input-Output regulators in the linked state will give…

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Robert K Groov Mekanik FREE STUFF! Bundle 001 (GMaudio) M4L AMXD Drift Presets & Tips [FREE]

Use the MIDI Effects (Chordz & Note Probability) to trigger the Drift Presets in interesting ways, then reshape the sounds to fit your mix with Squeeze, HiFreqLimiter & VSEQ. This bundle contains the majority of my free products, so you can quickly and easily download some fresh inspiration! GMaudio Squeeze…

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BITTE das Adblock deaktivieren/PLEASE disable the Adblock

Ich weiß, dass die Werbung nervt, aber wenn wie bis vor 2 Jahren regelmäßig Spenden reinkommen würden, könnte ich die Seiten Werbefrei halten.

Der Server kostet jeden Monat Geld, inzwischen auf 2 TB angewachsen, also bitte deaktiviert den Adblocker.

Und vielleicht gibt es interessante Artikel, wie Hardware, Tintenpatronen ua., so versucht diese Dinge über die Banner zu bekommen, dann gibt es ein wenig Provision!

Wichtig: Spender sehen den größten Teil der Werbung nicht und dürfen den Adblocker nutzen!

I know the ads are annoying, but if donations would come in regularly like they did until 2 years ago, I could keep the pages ad-free.

The server costs money every month, now grown to 2 TB, so please disable the adblocker.

And maybe there are interesting articles, like hardware, ink cartridges ua., so try to get these things over the banners, then there is a little


Important: Donors do not see most of the ads and may use the adblocker!

TheZhe TheUtility v1.1.1 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

  TheUtility is a time-saving tool for blending wet and dry signals. BUSES: Inputs: 1. Main – wet input (connect after another effect). 2. Aux – dry input (connect before another effect). Outputs: 1. Output – output. PARAMETERS: Complement (Wet)*: – Description: A.k.a „delta“ or „delta monitoring“. Replace the wet…

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TheZhe TheExpressor v1.2.1 VST3 AU WiN macOS [FREE]

TheExpressor is a colored upwards/downwards (Ex)pander/Com(pressor). KEY FEATURES: 1. Color – change slightly to soften the knee or boost/cut up to 24 dB for extreme emphasis. 2. Extremely Low Aliasing – better quality than 6x oversampled plugins without the oversampling overhead or any delay. * 3. Bounded – output is…

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OTYKEN – STORM (Official Music Video)

The music video was filmed in Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Chulym River. 30 km from the village of Pasechnoye (the capital of the Chulyms). This is the birthplace of the members of the OTYKEN group. Chulyms are the smallest indigenous people of Siberia. According to one version, the Chulyms are the ancestors of the Japanese Ainu and the indigenous peoples of North America. According to another version, the Chulyms are an ancient Turkic tribe.

The song OTYKEN – STORM talks about the difficulties that people face when traveling to the East. The music of the OTYKEN group is dedicated to giving kindness and warm light to all people on earth! The magical power of our music will heal your soul and your body as well, and it can even send you into a trance.

Thanks to all the caring people who sent us donations for the filming of the music video OTYKEN – STORM. We tried very hard and gave it our all!

Members of the music video OTYKEN – STORM:

Producer, songwriter – Andrey Medonos
Sound – Dmitry Kruzhkovsky
Vocal – Azyan
Drums – Hakkaida
Vargan (Jaw harp) – Tsveta
Throat Singing (Synthesizer) – Ach
Ikili (Morinhur) – Kunсhari
Maracas (deer antlers) – Kykakacha
Khomys (string instrument) – Otamay
Shaman recitative – Sandro

EVOX Calypso by 2MGT/Metamusic Generative Tools

  EVOX Calypso is an experimental sound, performance-oriented virtual musical instrument that is designed for creating cinematic ambient soundscapes, sound structures, and atmospheric and ethereal textures, as well as more traditional synthesizer sounds that can be layered to create a tremendous variety of spatial sounds. EVOX Calypso sounds extend to…

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