FSUMpeg by Cybergrunge.net

FSUMpeg is a real-time Lossy compression plugin that emulates low quality audio codecs, poor quality noise reduction algorithms, glitched/broken audio transmission etc. It is inspired by the strange artifacts and responsiveness of extremely compressed audio codecs. Similar to uploading a video to youtube, downloading it then reuploading, over and over…

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SPKR-v1.dll by Cybergrunge.net

SPKR-v1.dll is 32-bit windows ONLY Broken Speaker FX / distortion plugin. Designed to emulate blown speakers, malfunctioning stereos and obscure acoustics. Input is fed into two parallel bandpass filters, and then into a few custom waveshapers (select via „M“ mode knob). Before going into waveshaper, DC Offset and Gain can…

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Sad Amp1 by Cybergrunge.net

it uses two parametric waveshapers editable with sliders, . 4 bandpass filters PER CHANNEL. gain and dc offset pre waveshaper, . three random „walks“, which are random LFOs and has various mixing options. Comes with a few built in presets. Made with synthedit, with the blessings of Jeff himself. Thanks…

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Seeded Random Percussive Noises by Cybergrunge.net

Based on 3 Seed numbers each note on the keyboard is a different random sound. Presets can be selected by entering their Seed numbers, or you can save them the normal way. This one has velocity responsiveness, and a tone stack for more interesting timbres, plus randomised stereophony. BASE1 and BASE2 are seed numbers for…

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SEELE_Abacus by Cybergrunge.net

Comes with 36 built in presets by LickNand. Roughly works like this: Oscillator>> >>10-point waveshaper>> >>bandpass/notch filter>> >>Another waveshaper>> >>bandpass/notch filter. Features – 3 LFO’s with a lot of functions via dropdown menus (green text) – – auxiallary Envelope with several destinations. – not great-sounding echo and reverb. – extra oscillator for extra…

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