Fracture Sounds Blueprint Woodwind Ensemble KONTAKT [FREE]

Six core instruments from the orchestral woodwind section, recorded individually and seamlessly blended into an elegant ensemble patch for effortless sketching. Woodwind Ensemble features piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais, clarinet, and bassoon performances, all blended together across the sweet spots in theior ranges. Like our other orchestral libraries in the…

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Triumph Audio Trumpet Terror Kontakt [FREE]

Trumpet Terror is a free sample library that gives you a small taste of one of the many instruments from Cinematic Solo FX. Trumpet Terror focuses on the trumpet with lite versions of a few of our authentic patches from Cinematic Solo FX as well as a dynamic collection of…

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Synful Orchestra now free[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,VSTI3.AU,x64]

Synful Orchestra Technology What is Synful Orchestra Synful Orchestra is a program that simulates symphonic wind and string instruments. It was first released in 2005. It is a plug-in program that requires a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) program such as Apple Logic, Cubase, Protools, Digital Performer, Ableton, Sonar, or Reaper. It supports…

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Inletaudio Lite Clarinet Drama Textures KONTAKT [FREE]

Introducing Lite Clarinet Drama Textures, smaller sibling to our Clarinet Drama Textures library. A creative tool created by manipulating a handpicked selection of samples from Clarinet Drama Textures and transformed into a simple, cinematic pad instrument, allowing you to blend two different sounds together. Lite Clarinet Drama Textures marks the…

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