Enjoy Samples Piano Soft Ritual KONTAKT [FREE]

Piano Soft Ritual conjures the enchanting mystery of the witches’ sabbath, where covens gather under a veiled moon. Its dark, spellbinding notes echo the chants and occult rituals that summon the power of ancient forces. This piano weaves an atmosphere that is both intoxicating and eerie, capturing the essence of…

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Elemental Child feat. Jochen – S – Rapanui

In der Antike hatten schamanische Rituale einen wichtigen Platz in der Stammeskultur der Osterinsel eingenommen. Einige dieser Zeremonien dienten vor allem dazu, den Wert junger Stammeskrieger durch eine Suche zu beweisen, aber manchmal konnte das Schicksal launisch sein. Dies war der Fall bei Bobby und Timmy, die sich noch lange an ihr erstes Ritual erinnern werden.

In the ancient times, shamanic rituals had taken an important place in the tribal culture of Easter Island. Some of these ceremonies served in particular to prove the value of young tribal warriors through a quest but sometimes fate could be capricious. This was the case for Bobby and Timmy who will remember for a long time their first ritual..