POLY555 Synth

It’s an analog, 20 note polyphonic, square wave synthesizer based on the 555 timer chip. The enclosure and keys are 3D-printed, its models were programmed in OpenSCAD, and its PCB was designed in Kicad. A little history The monophonic (one note at a time) OKAY synths I made a couple years ago also used the…

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HZ Delay by Higher Hz

HZ Delay is a vintage analog delay. It is a character effect which means that it doesn’t do all things equally. Matter of fact it deliberately does some things oddly or not at all to allow it to have the sort of character so sought after in older analog gear. Signal…

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SmackLabs SL473 free vintage vinyl disc cutting compressor plugin

“Based off of a VCA design, this compressor has a unique compressor/limiter/expander function that can shape the dynamics of your source. This compressor was the main compressor for vinyl disc cutting from the late 1970’s and on. Known for transparent clean compression, you can really compress the source without the…

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Berlin Signal Tone by KLANG[Kontakt]

How to make music with sounds captured from the Berlin subway and buses? Use this KLANG and add character and atmosphere to your track. Turn it into a synthesizer-like sound or use the rhythmic ambient sounds. https://klang.cologne/_audio/audio_berlinsignaltone.mp3 https://klang.cologne/klang21_free.php?fbclid=IwAR2Ew5xUoEeiKvt-Y2Di4cIGe0U-Dk9tCCDGgYcCRtS4NmFC9_uN8IsYprg frKLA_BerlinSignalTone

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