OB-Xd is based on the Oberheim OB-X. It attempts to recreate its sound and behavior, but as the original was very limited in some important ways a number of things were added or altered to the original design. OB-Xd was designed to sound as good and as rich as the…

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SpectMorph win, Linux, MacOS

SpectMorph win, Linux, MacOS Linux LV2 plugin – preferred for all sequencers that support LV2 VST plugin – especially for proprietary solutions that don’t support LV2 JACK standalone – application using JACK for midi input and audio output Windows VST plugin – 64-bit VST usable in many Windows DAWs macOS…

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Low Wave Studios Cymbal Killer free plugin (Win & OSX AU/VST3)

Cymbal Killer is a 2-band Gate especially designed for drums. With it’s two bands you can have different envelope settings for the sustain (low frequencies) and attack (high frequencies) of the drum. It allows the sustain to breathe while keeping the attack short to kill the cymbal bleed entering through…

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sTiltV2 by TBProAudio

sTiltV2 by TBProAudio sTiltV2 is a linear phase filter which tilts the audio spectrum around a given center frequency. Features: distortion free processing engine. scalable GUI*adjustable slope from -6dB/Oct to +6dB/Oct. adjustable center frequency. 5 quality modes: low, eco, medium, high, max. unit autogain. switchable clip protection. filter limit. stereo/left/right/mid/side channel selection. stereo/left/right/mid/side…

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TDR Molotok

TDR Molotok Molotok, a simplified version of TDR Molot GE, is a musically characterful dynamics processor. Meaning “Small Hammer” in Russian, Molotok provides a rich range of exciting compression colors at your fingertips. While Molotok doesn’t emulate any “vintage” device, its sound and behaviour was definitely inspired by their most…

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U-he Zebralette v2.9.2 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

U-he Zebralette v2.9.2 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE] Zebralette: mini Zebra Zebralette is our version of a Trojan horse. A free synthesizer and an introduction to Zebra2’s fantastic oscillators. Perhaps it will persuade you to try Zebra2 and upgrade. If one oscillator is this powerful, imagine…

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B-Step Sequencer by Monoplugs

B-Step Sequencer by Monoplugs   B-Step Sequencer is a unique, powerful step sequencer plugin and standalone application for creating melodic loops, chord progressions, arpeggios, drum grooves, and basslines. B-Step Sequencer comes with an array of features like chord programming, sequencer ratcheting, shuffle, drag-n-drop, copy, MIDI learn, and much, much more. An embedded manual…

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airwindows MatrixVerb [Free] Windows, OSX, Linux

First, the Swiss Army Knife reverb! (a more cooperative one is to follow) This is the result of some deep diving into Householder reverb algorithms (a way of taking four delay lines and turning them into infinite reverb). It’s different from anything I’ve done before, reverb-wise: extremely flexible, and incorporating…

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YAVA4 by Krakli Plugins

There have been 3 previous YAVAs from Krakli. (YAVA = Yet Another Virtual Analog). The ideas behind the YAVA line is to have different Osciillator types combined with a complex routing through filters, Amps and effects, topped off with a flexible modulation matrix. YAVA4 will need time to get to…

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TDR Molotok v1.0.3 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN/MAC [FREE]

Molotok, a simplified version of TDR Molot GE, is a musically characterful dynamics processor. Meaning “Small Hammer” in Russian, Molotok provides a rich range of exciting compression colors at your fingertips. While Molotok doesn’t emulate any “vintage” device, its sound and behaviour was definitely inspired by their most interesting musical…

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OpZilla FM Synthesizer by 2getheraudio

OpZilla FM Synthesizer by 2getheraudio Meet OpZilla. A monster of an FM synthesizer that towers over its competition. Let’s start with its 64 4-operator algorithms and 16 waveforms per operator. This alone yields a huge variety of sonic possibilities for your music. But we didn’t stop there. Sampled attacks, loopable…

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SWANKY AMP Swanky Amp is a tube amplifier based on detailed simulations of tube amplification. Swanky AMP is powered by a state-of-the-art tube amplifier model. The model is based on detailed simulations of real tube amplifier circuits, and is built using a variety of modern digital signal processing techniques. Measurements were taken of…

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Full Bucket Music ModulAir synth version 1.2.0

ModulAir is a modular polyphonic software synthesizer for Microsoft Windows (VST) and Apple macOS (VST/AU) written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. ModulAir is a work in progress and as of now with only a bunch of quirky presets and a lousy documentation. I am constantly adding…

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NA 808 Overdrive Pro by Nembrini Audio

NA 808 Overdrive Pro by Nembrini Audio azz, Rock, Metal, no matter what genre you play. NA 808 Overdrive Pro little magic box plugin will prove to be essential to your collection. It is very responsive and versatile, available for free. NA 808 Overdrive Pro is modeled on the Japanese green pedal with the same JRC4558D…

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