Decomposer Sitala v1.0 x64 x86 VST AU AXX WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Sitala is a free drum plugin and standalone app Sitala‘s beauty is simplicity. It‘s fast and musical. Six knobs. Sixteen pads. Drag and drop. Playable like instrument. New in Sitala 1.0 — Released December 11, 2020: • Editable sample start and end points With automatic silence detection, playback starts where the…

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W.A. Production releases Puncher 2 Lite free audio effect plugin

The CPU-friendly little brother of Puncher 2 combines a transient shaper, multiband compressor and paralell compressor in a single effect, featuring real-time visual feedback and pop and click free bypass. „Without diving into the complexities of audio processing, sometimes you just want a quick and easy way to make your…

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Chowdhury DSP CHOW Tape analog tape machine plugin

Chowdhury DSP CHOW Tape analog tape machine plugin CHOW Tape is an analog tape machine physical model, originally based on the Sony TC-260. The current version can be used to emulate a wide variety of reel-to-reel tape machines. The physical modelling process is described in a technical paper presented at…

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Andreas Pohl AudioGridder v1.1b10 WIN MAC LIN [FREE]

AudioGridder is a plugin host, that allows you to offload the DSP processing of audio plugins to remote computers running macOS or Windows. This can come in handy when mixing complex projects or running CPU intensive instruments for instance. AudioGridder comes with a plugin and a server and supports VST2,…

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BPB BPB Saturator free tube and tape saturation plugin

BPB Saturator is a freeware saturation effect that is lightweight and easy to operate. It utilizes waveshaping to simulate tube and tape saturation. The plugin can work as a subtle saturation tool or a tube-based distortion effect. The tube and tape saturation modules can be used separately. It is also possible…

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Hornet Plugins HoRNet Freqs free spectrum analyzer plugin HoRNet Freqs is a spectrum analyzer that provides two different kind of visualization of the audio spectrum, the first one is called „analog“ and is inspired to an analog hardware spectrum analyzer that is still found on the master of many recording studios even today. The second one is…

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Chowdhury DSP releases Chowdhury DSP guitar pedal effect plugin

Chowdhury DSP releases Chowdhury DSP guitar pedal effect plugin Chowdhury DSP has released CHOW Tape, free klon centaur guitar pedal plugin for Windows, Linux and Mac VST/VST3/AU/LV2. ChowCentaur is a digital model of the Klon Centaur guitar pedal. The pedal emulation is created using a variety of circuit modelling methods including nodal…

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Sampleson SUB Analog Drums v1.6 x64 x86 VST AU WiN MAC [FREE]

RAW ANALOG DRUMS + SUB BASS OSC. NO SAMPLES. JUST GOOD OLD SYNTHESIS. SUB is a vintage analog drums module recreating many classic drum sounds and a Sub-frequency oscillator for extra fun. The magic of using synthesis (instead of sampling vintage hardware) is that sounds can be tweaked in a…

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Free Piano 2 by RDGAudio

Free Piano 2 Free Piano 2 is a sample based hybrid piano / string instrument. It has been sampled from Asian Type D Cottage Piano with 4 mics positions and is velocity sensitive with built in Round Robin. Over 600 samples. 3 velocity layers. 4 Round robin. or

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Wave Observer by pressplay

Watch your waves Wave Observer is an oscilloscope and monitoring plug-in for time-domain audio analysis. It visually supports mixing, mastering and sound design by offering a number of unique features. smooth continuous presentation of input signals (left, right and stereo) wide time range (from one millisecond up to four seconds)…

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Monique – Bass and Lead Synthesizer by Monoplugs

Monique – Bass and Lead Synthesizer by Monoplugs Monique is a unique synthesizer for deep basses and aggressive lead sounds. This synthesizer comes with a very special morphing feature that gives you the capabilities of up to 8 different programs in one. It’s a perfect instrument for jamming and live performances —…

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Sound Magic releases piano one free plugin instrument

piano one Piano One comes from the Yamaha C7 concert grand, a true workhorse in the professional piano world, appearing on famous concert stages, in international competitions and in prestigious music events throughout the world.   By utilizing the Sound Magic Hybrid Modelling Engine, Piano One offers both the Realistic…

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Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time]

Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time] Kilohearts is offering its software synthesizer kHs ONE as a free download. The straight-forward subtractive polyphonic synthesizer is available in VST, AU and AAX plugin formats for Windows and Mac. kHs ONE was not designed to be a…

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fircomp by Jon V Audio

fircomp is a clean compressor with punchy attack, musical release, and optional lookahead smoothing. For tracks or busses. Zero/low latency and low CPU. Warm distortion at extreme settings. Simple UI and fast workflow. Attack stage tuned for punch. True zero attack (same-sample) when 0.0 ms is selected. Dual parallel release stage with…

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Surge Synth Team releases Surge v1.8.0 free plugin synth

– New skins, including the lovely “Royal Surge” skin and greatly improved Classic and Dark skins – New filters, with multiple new filter models – A complete implementation of a multi-segment envelope generator (MSEG) as a modulation source – A large number of Airwindows FX available in the FX chain…

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Giant Verb by Digital Systemic Emulations

Giant Verb – Designed for infinite spaces Total feedback up to 100% (=infinite decay time). Analog input behavior: pre-warmth factor. Reverb modulation for smooth & discrete chorusing. Direct & intuitive UI, optimized for sound over technical stuff. Ultra low space (5 Mo), super light CPU use (~0%) so you can…

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Music-Society presents DOREMI by

Music-Society presents DOREMI by Thanks to get busy and make preset banks  Runs on Win 32, Win64, VST2/3 and OSX-Mac Features: – 2 oscillators, the 2nd oscillator can be used in 3 modes Both oscillators have their own ADSR, volume and sub-oscillator – a noise oscillator with its own…

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Bertom Audio Air Shelf free dynamic EQ plugin

Air Shelf is a plugin designed to shape your (very) high end, mostly above 10kHz. Use the Boost knob to get more highs, and the Tame knob to keep high frequency transients under control. Features : – Boost : A 1st order high shelf centred at 20kHz, fully decramped up to 21kHz, with a very smooth and gradual response. –…

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Valhalla Freq Echo v1.1.5 VST AU AAX x64 WiN MAC [FREE]

Valhalla Freq Echo v1.1.5 VST AU AAX x64 WiN MAC [FREE] Freq Echo is perfect for dub, Dr. Who, and all of your psychedelic needs. Bode-Style Frequency Shifter + Analog Echo Emulation create surprising sonic effects. Subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and…

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Haunted Guitar Lite by Electronik Sound Lab

Haunted Guitar Lite by Electronik Sound Lab Haunted Guitar Lite is a multi-sampled Fender Stratocaster Plus Deluxe electric guitar rompler. Each preset contains 28 samples processed with various high quality effects to achieve dark and spooky guitar sounds. 8 Presets. 224 Samples. ADSR. HP / LP Filter. LFO Modulation. Filter type selector. Voice…

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