ChristofMuc KnobKraft Orm v2.5.1 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

The KnobKraft Orm – The free modern cross-platform MIDI Sysex Librarian If you are looking for a modern, free Sysex Librarian for your synth, you have found the right place! This is the place where the KnobKraft Orm is created, a modern cross-platform Sysex Librarian for your MIDI gear. Questions…

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Valhalla DSP Valhalla Supermassive v3.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows MacO [FREE]

Supermassive Gui 960x509.jpg

Make some space. ValhallaSupermassive has been designed from the ground up for MASSIVE delays and reverbs. Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, and swelling waves of feedback unlike any you’ve heard before. Supermassive has 20 out-of-this-world reverb/delay modes: Gemini: Fast attack, shorter decay, high echo density. Hydra:…

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Valhalla DSP Valhalla Supermassive v2.5.0 VST VST3 AU AAX x64 ARM WiN macOS [FREE]

ValhallaSupermassive has been designed from the ground up for MASSIVE delays and reverbs. Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, and swelling waves of feedback unlike any you’ve heard before. Supermassive has 16 out-of-this-world reverb/delay modes: •Gemini: Fast attack, shorter decay, high echo density. •Hydra: Fast-ish attack, shorter…

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Elemental Child – The Heleus Cluster

The Heleus Cluster is a cluster of more than thirty known systems on the outer edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Heleus was chosen as a target by the Andromeda Initiative after long-range observations indicated an unusually large number of habitable planets (Golden Worlds).

Der Heleus-Cluster ist ein Sternenhaufen mit mehr als dreißig bekannten Systemen am äußeren Rand der Andromeda-Galaxie. Heleus wurde von der Andromeda-Initiative als Ziel ausgewählt, nachdem Langstreckenbeobachtungen auf eine ungewöhnlich große Anzahl bewohnbarer Planeten (Goldene Welten) hingedeutet hatten.