Ronan Fed – VSTi VST VSTI3 VST3 x64 – Bundle Windows – No Longer Available Free Download

01.) Ronan Fed – AIRE v1.0 VST – Stereo Hall – Win 64 – 6,5 MB – Free 02.) Ronan Fed – Essence Plus v1.0 VSTi – Win 64 – 16 MB – Free 03.) Ronan Fed – Essence v1.3 VSTi – Win 64 – 12,9 MB – Free 04.)…

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TX16Wx (Software Sampler) FreeVersion v3.7.0c vsti vsti3 au aax clap WiN MacOS Linux [FREE]

TX16Wx Software Sampler is a plug-in for the creative musician, inspired and modeled after the best hardware samplers with all the ease and new exiting features of modern software. Extensive sound shaping Two resonant 6/12/24dB multimode filters AHDR/AHDSR envelope Pristine sound quality playback engine with high quality playback/mixdown modes All…

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Witech BassMatrix (TB-303 Clone) v2.00 WiN Mac [FREE]

BassMatrix is an impressive TB-303 clone. This software emulates the iconic Roland TB-303 bass synthesizer, beloved in electronic music for its distinctive sound. BassMatrix comes with various sound-shaping parameters that allow users to craft those classic acid bass lines with ease. It’s available for download in 64-bit Windows VSTi3 and…

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B-Line 303 by SonicXTC x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

B-Line 303 is a monophonic dual oscillator bass line synthesizer. B-Line 303 captures the vibe and sound of classic EDM and Acid techno music synthesizers from the 70’s and 80’s. B-Line 303 includes our new synth engine and gives producers new unique abilities to shape their sounds. New in Version 3…

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TX16Wx (Software Sampler) FreeVersion v3.7.0 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX Clap WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

TX16Wx Software Sampler is a plug-in for the creative musician, inspired and modeled after the best hardware samplers with all the ease and new exiting features of modern software. Extensive sound shaping Two resonant 6/12/24dB multimode filters AHDR/AHDSR envelope Pristine sound quality playback engine with high quality playback/mixdown modes All…

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Toybox Audio Thump One 2 (Music Synthesizer) v2.0.8 VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Thump One is an easy to use music synthesiser plugin with a fun glitchy ‚wavetable‘ engine and a bank of flexible multi-segment envelopes to shape the sound in any direction you desire. Perfect for powerful kick drums, huge club basses and soaring leads. The synthesiser features two powerful engines that can…

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Dotec-Audio DeeDoubler Vocal Doubler v1.1.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

DeeDoubler is a plug-in that adds a doubling effect to vocals. It brings depth to vocals by layering voices. By reproducing the mixing technique using filters and phase adjustment that has been done for a long time, it features a clean and classic effect. Operation is also very simple, with…

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Mastrcode Music T-Force Zenith v1.0.6 x64 VSTI3 WiNDOWS [FREE]

A subtractive synthesizer with FM capabilities. T-Force Zenith is the current flagship synthesizer by Mastrcode Music. Its oscillators are inspired by the original Roland JP-8000/8080 Supersaw oscillator. But with way more available oscillator waveforms than just a saw wave and some additional features. It’s a powerful synthesizer that suits all…

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T-Force Zenith Synth Plugin by Mastrcode Music

T-Force Zenith is a subtractive synthesizer with some FM capabilities. Its oscillators are inspired by the original Roland JP-8000/8080 Supersaw oscillator. But with way more available oscillator waveforms than just a saw wave and some additional features. It’s a powerful synthesizer that suits all kinds of electronic music. It can produce…

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Yooz Music BL303 v3.0 VSTI3 AU AAX x64 Win Mac [FREE]

Contribution Synth With Big Love To The Legendary TB-303 Version 3.0 includes improved and resizable user interface, the filter was fine-tuned to sound and behave even closer to the original TB-303, a few more minor performance and sound improvements. Native support for mac Arm and intel processors. The sequencer part…

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Mi-03 Bassline v1 303 Plugin by Music Instinct x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU Standalone Windows MacOS free

A unique take on the classic acid bassline sound. The Mi-03 is an instrument that revitalizes the classic 303 sound for today’s music producers. At it’s core, the Mi-03 is a simple subtractive monophonic synthesiser. A long list of features might sound good on paper, but too many options can…

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Blaukraut Charlatan 3 v3.0.0 Final x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP WIN LINUX [FREE]

Charlatan is a virtual analog (VA) synthesizer with focus on sound quality and easy usability. Thanks to its streamlined UI, Charlatan never gets in your way when you like to move fast in your production workflow. Under the hood, a powerful yet not overwhelming synth engine is ready to be…

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PlayerSpecz FREE Audio Tools by Lobith Audio Standalone Windows MacOS

PlayerSpecz FREE is our new wave files (and other file types) player and inspection tool. It’s primary purpose is to get a quick insight about the contents of audio files. Playback features: Plays back any number of channels. A customizable downmix matrix allows auditioning any format on stereo outputs too….

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Ronan Fed RF-BASSLINE v1.1.2 VSTi VSTi3 Windows [FREE]

RF-BASSLINEMonophonic Bass Synth (for Acid Basslines) Features A single oscillator monophonic synth with a Lowpass Filter, Distortion and Slide which provides a simulation of the Roland TB-303 vintage analogue bass synthesizer. Allows an easy step programming in your DAW. Making possible to create complex acid patterns common in classic Acid…

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d-lusion RubberDuck H3O+ v2.12 EXE WiN [FREE]

With this bass synthesizer released for Windows 95 in 1996 (way before Propellerheads Rebirth, was available), d-lusion pioneered the market of realtime software synthesizers on standard processors. Roughly based on the the well known TB-303, Rubberduck’s synthesis model consists of an oscillator wave with a resonant filter sweep applied to…

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Ronan Fed RF-BASSLINE v1.1.1 VSTi VSTi3 WiN [FREE]

Monophonic Bass Synth (for Acid Basslines) Features A single oscillator monophonic synth with a Lowpass Filter, Distortion and Slide which provides a simulation of the Roland TB-303 vintage analogue bass synthesizer. Allows an easy step programming in your DAW. Making possible to create complex acid patterns common in classic Acid…

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Dotec-Audio DeePanpot v2.1.5 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Controls PAN of the stereo source, not the BALANCE ! Features – Controls „pan“ of the stereo source, not the „balance“ – Adds „Haas Effect“ to reproduce more realistic pan Checked hosts Our Plug-ins are tested with following hosts. Please try demo to check works normally on your hosts. Ability…

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Dotec-Audio DeeDoubler Vocal Doubler v1.0.1 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

DeeDoubler is a plug-in that adds a doubling effect to vocals. It brings depth to vocals by layering voices. By reproducing the mixing technique using filters and phase adjustment that has been done for a long time, it features a clean and classic effect. Operation is also very simple, with…

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Dotec-Audio DeeGate Noise Gate v1.1.5 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

DeeGate is a very simple noise gate that mutes sounds smaller than the volume you set. DeeGate is a VST/AU plugin with following features: The threshold can be set from -60 to 0 dB. Muting of noise in mic & line recording, cut the decay as an effector, Extraction of…

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Dotec-Audio DeeSideIn v1.0.4 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

DeeSideIn is a free plug-in that can insert and mix the sound at anypoint you want. For merge harmonys,drums. For split sound to other audio track. For insert and mix the sound to point where after plugin effects. Checked hosts Our Plug-ins are tested with following hosts. Please try demo…

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Available until April 2, 2023 coreFX VolumeFormer A pump effect without complicated sidechain routing that is created by rhythmically reducing and increasing the volume. The shape of the envelope, i.e., decrease and increase, as well as the modulation frequency, e.g., to match the beat, can be freely adjusted. This creates…

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TAL-BassLine by Togu Audio Line[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,AU,x86,x64]

TAL-BassLine is a virtual analog bass synthesizer especially made for bass, acid sounds and effects. It’s based on a robust core and has the usual controls of analogue hardware synthesizers. A unique -18dB low pass filter with a lot of asymmetric and random components introduce a warm and analogue sound. Very…

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Bedroom Producers Blog BPB Dirty Filter Plus v1.0 VST3 AU Windows macOS [FREE]

It’s a Distortion Effect BPB Dirty Filter Plus takes the original Dirty Filter’s distortion capabilities a few steps further. We included four different Dirt modes, each delivering a unique flavor of audio degradation. Don’t worry; the original Dirt mode is still there! You can choose between four unique Dirt modes:…

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RF-AB303 by Ronan Fed

RF-AB303 is a monophonic bass synthesizer for acid basslines. Features a single oscillator monophonic synth with filters and various effects like Parametric EQ, Distortion, Compression, Delay and Reverb that provides a simulation of the Roland TB-303 vintage analogue bass synthesizer and allows an easy step programming in your DAW. Making possible to…

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Monophonic Bass Synth (for Acid Basslines) Features A single oscillator monophonic synth with a Lowpass Filter, Distortion and Slide which provides a simulation of the Roland TB-303 vintage analogue bass synthesizer. Allows an easy step programming in your DAW. Making possible to create complex acid patterns common in classic Acid…

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Elemental Child – Flower in the Subway

Theo, a lonely rat makes his way toward the subway, seemingly invisible to the rats around him. Until he purchases a dazzling jacket which he hopes will gain him social recognition. Theo is stopped in his tracks upon noticing a pretty rat, adorned by an exquisite flower seated inside an oncoming train. While they meet, Theo realizes that fashion isn’t everything.

Theo, eine einsamer Ratte, macht sich auf den Weg zur U-Bahn, scheinbar unsichtbar für die Ratten um ihn herum. Bis er eine schillernde Jacke kauft, von der er hofft, dass sie ihm gesellschaftliche Anerkennung verschafft. Theo wird aufgehalten, als er eine hübsche Ratte bemerkt. geschmückt mit einer exquisiten Blume, die in einem entgegenkommenden Zug sitzt.