HY-Plugins HY-ESG free Egate VST VST3 WIN OSX [FREE]

HY-ESG is a gate sequencer (aka a trance gate effect) with a twist. It uses a Euclidean sequencer instead of the standard step sequencer seen in most other trance gate plugins. You’ll probably find that HY-ESG is more fun and inspiring to use than your current favorite gate sequencer effect….

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SynthMaster Player is a simplied version of SynthMaster with limited editing capabilities. It is targeted towards users who prefer to use presets rather than designing their own sounds. It comes with 1800 factory presets. Users can edit the 12 easy parameters or the bypass states of layer/global effects assigned for each…

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Blue Cat’s Freeware Plug-ins Pack II

This bundle contains a wide range of premium modulation effects,a guitar amp simulator, a single and dual-channel equalizer, a unique midi-controllable gain suite, as well as a professional spectrum analyzer. All plug-ins are available for Mac and PC, in VST, VST3, AAX and Audio Unit plug-in formats, for both 32…

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TBProAudio releases dpMeter v5.0 free digital precision meter plugin

TBProAudio releases dpMeter v5.0 free digital precision meter plugin New features and enhancements: – GUI scale. Existing features: – measurement modes: RMS/EBU R128/DIAL. – multi channel metering: 2-6 RMS channels, 2.0 stereo, 4.0, 4.1 and 5.1 surround. – true peak measurement based on ITU BS.1770-4. – continuous/synced measurement. – record metering…

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LVC Audio LVC Meter 1.0.9 Mac Win AU VST VST3 AAX FREE

LVC-Meter 1.0.8 -updated September 29, 2020- Meter: LVC style LVC-Meter is a free plugin that builds on all of the metering features of Toned-MAX, Limited-Z, and Clipped-MAX. This may be nothing new, but there might be times when you need the LVC style meters but not all of the other…

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Decomposer Sitala v1.0 x64 x86 VST AU AXX WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Sitala is a free drum plugin and standalone app Sitala‘s beauty is simplicity. It‘s fast and musical. Six knobs. Sixteen pads. Drag and drop. Playable like instrument. New in Sitala 1.0 — Released December 11, 2020: • Editable sample start and end points With automatic silence detection, playback starts where the…

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BPB BPB Saturator free tube and tape saturation plugin

BPB Saturator is a freeware saturation effect that is lightweight and easy to operate. It utilizes waveshaping to simulate tube and tape saturation. The plugin can work as a subtle saturation tool or a tube-based distortion effect. The tube and tape saturation modules can be used separately. It is also possible…

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Hornet Plugins HoRNet Freqs free spectrum analyzer plugin

https://www.hornetplugins.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/webiste-video.mp4 HoRNet Freqs is a spectrum analyzer that provides two different kind of visualization of the audio spectrum, the first one is called „analog“ and is inspired to an analog hardware spectrum analyzer that is still found on the master of many recording studios even today. The second one is…

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Chowdhury DSP releases Chowdhury DSP guitar pedal effect plugin

Chowdhury DSP releases Chowdhury DSP guitar pedal effect plugin Chowdhury DSP has released CHOW Tape, free klon centaur guitar pedal plugin for Windows, Linux and Mac VST/VST3/AU/LV2. ChowCentaur is a digital model of the Klon Centaur guitar pedal. The pedal emulation is created using a variety of circuit modelling methods including nodal…

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Sound Magic releases piano one free plugin instrument

piano one Piano One comes from the Yamaha C7 concert grand, a true workhorse in the professional piano world, appearing on famous concert stages, in international competitions and in prestigious music events throughout the world.   By utilizing the Sound Magic Hybrid Modelling Engine, Piano One offers both the Realistic…

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Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time]

Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time] Kilohearts is offering its software synthesizer kHs ONE as a free download. The straight-forward subtractive polyphonic synthesizer is available in VST, AU and AAX plugin formats for Windows and Mac. kHs ONE was not designed to be a…

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Valhalla Freq Echo v1.1.5 VST AU AAX x64 WiN MAC [FREE]

Valhalla Freq Echo v1.1.5 VST AU AAX x64 WiN MAC [FREE] Freq Echo is perfect for dub, Dr. Who, and all of your psychedelic needs. Bode-Style Frequency Shifter + Analog Echo Emulation create surprising sonic effects. Subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and…

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sTiltV2 by TBProAudio

sTiltV2 by TBProAudio sTiltV2 is a linear phase filter which tilts the audio spectrum around a given center frequency. Features: distortion free processing engine. scalable GUI*adjustable slope from -6dB/Oct to +6dB/Oct. adjustable center frequency. 5 quality modes: low, eco, medium, high, max. unit autogain. switchable clip protection. filter limit. stereo/left/right/mid/side channel selection. stereo/left/right/mid/side…

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TDR Molotok

TDR Molotok Molotok, a simplified version of TDR Molot GE, is a musically characterful dynamics processor. Meaning “Small Hammer” in Russian, Molotok provides a rich range of exciting compression colors at your fingertips. While Molotok doesn’t emulate any “vintage” device, its sound and behaviour was definitely inspired by their most…

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TDR Molotok v1.0.3 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN/MAC [FREE]

Molotok, a simplified version of TDR Molot GE, is a musically characterful dynamics processor. Meaning “Small Hammer” in Russian, Molotok provides a rich range of exciting compression colors at your fingertips. While Molotok doesn’t emulate any “vintage” device, its sound and behaviour was definitely inspired by their most interesting musical…

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NA 808 Overdrive Pro by Nembrini Audio

NA 808 Overdrive Pro by Nembrini Audio azz, Rock, Metal, no matter what genre you play. NA 808 Overdrive Pro little magic box plugin will prove to be essential to your collection. It is very responsive and versatile, available for free. NA 808 Overdrive Pro is modeled on the Japanese green pedal with the same JRC4558D…

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ADSR Sounds Sample Manager v1.6.2 VST AU AXX x64 x86 WiN MAC [FREE]

ADSR Sounds Sample Manager v1.6.2 VST AU AXX x64 x86 WiN MAC [FREE] ADSR Sample Manager makes your entire sample library searchable with smart and custom tags. Preview any sample in your local library or purchased on ADSR in the context of your track (BPM and/or key synced) using MIDI…

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FORT3 [Free Edition] by Electronik Sound Lab

FORT3 [Free Edition] by Electronik Sound Lab FORT3 [Free Edition] is a Grand Piano Plugin instrument for Windows & Mac. The samples of FORT3 were recorded in November 2019 in the same session that we recorded the samples for our Atmos 2 plugin. FORT3 free contains 1 preset with the original recording and…

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