Elemental Child – The Metrics Of Human Consciousness

„A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of consciousness.“
„Der Mensch ist ein Teil des Ganzen, das wir Universum nennen, ein in Zeit und Raum begrenzter Teil. Er erlebt sich selbst, seine Gedanken und seine Gefühle als etwas vom Rest Getrenntes – eine Art optische Täuschung des Bewusstseins.“ – Albert Einstein

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

discoDSP OB-Xd v3.5.4 Free Version x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

OB-Xd is a classic synthesizer with a timeless sound that continues to captivate musicians and producers alike. With its rich, full-bodied tones and expansive sound design capabilities, the OB-Xd is the perfect choice for those looking to add a vintage touch to their music. Whether you’re producing electronic tracks, recording live…

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Monocasual Laboratories Giada (Loop Machine) v1.1.0 Standalone Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Your Hardcore Loop Machine. Giada is an open source, minimalistic and hardcore music production tool. Designed for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians.Giada is a loop machine. Build your performance in real time by layering audio tracks or MIDI events, driven by the main sequencer. 1. Giada is a loop…

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Bluz´n Pivo – full concert with jam session

The flautist is also a very good saxophonist.
Unfortunately, I don’t know the names of the various performers, except for Nikola Markovic, the excellent bassist.

Blues Rock and little bit Jazz/Fusion
Recorded with a Tascam stereo recorder.
Thanks to @ewart reder for the recording.
You did a great job 🙂
Mastering: © Bam Dorner Production



Ein Tag am Rhein ist wie ein Monat an einem anderen Fluss

das Fahrrad trägt dich das Tal hinunter und auf die Berge

der Bus färhrt bis auf den Venusberg

und ein anderer Bus fährt wieder runter

viele Züge fahren ohne funktionierendes WC

aber nicht alle Fahrgästen kommen ganz hinten an.

Am besten du sitzt im Café Panor in Bad Godesberg

und lässt dir türkische Rhythmen auf den Tisch stellen.

Variety Of Sound TesslaSE mkIII (Analog Enhancer) v3.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 Windows [FREE]

TesslaSE is all about analog-style signal colouration effects and taking them from the analog to the digital domain. It slightly colours the sound, polishes transients and adds depth and dimension to the stereo field. All that analog goodness in subtle doses. It’s a mixing effect designed to be used here and…

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Elemental Child & Martin Miers – Aliens

“I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet.”
“Ich glaube, dass außerirdisches Leben im Universum recht häufig vorkommt, intelligentes Leben jedoch eher weniger. Manche sagen, dass es noch nicht auf dem Planeten erschienen ist,” – Stephen Hawking
Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child
Drums & Percussion by Martin Miers
© 2024
“Happy Halloween” !!!

Analog Obsession ReLife v2.0 WiN macOS [FREE]

Your Tracks Deserve A Second Chance! Simply give second life to your lifeless tracks with „ReLife“! Easy to use and instant result! FEATURES – INPUT : Gain compensated input knob will help you find sweet spot of your life. You can get softer or harder results with input. – SHAPE…

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Bluz’n Pivo

Mittwoch, 2. Otober 2024, 15 – 16 Uhr

WortWellen – Radio X Ffm

„Bluz’n Pivo“ alias „Blues’n Beer“ heißt eine Livemusik-Kneipe auf der Cetinjska ulica in Belgrad. Aus dieser Kneipe, genauer von einem Blues-Rock-Konzert des Bassisten Nikola Marković und seiner Band stammt die Musik der Sendung. Den musikalischen Nachschlag gibts von der Nachbarstraße, der berühmten Skadarska, die ich mit meinem Aufnahmegerät für euch runtergeschlendert bin vom Festungsberg bis zum Marktplatz, an einem Samstagabend, als in jedem der unzähligen Straßenrestaurants Live-Musik im Original Balkanstyle ertönte. Zwischendurch erzähle ich euch Geschichten von traurig bis lustig aus dem Belgrad, das ich diesen Sommer ausführlich erlebt habe. Herzliche Einladung eures WortWellenschlägers Ewart Reder.

Elemental Child – The Concept Of Distance

„To me, the concept of distance is not important. Distance doesn’t exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times.“
„Für mich ist das Konzept der Entfernung nicht wichtig. Entfernung gibt es eigentlich nicht, und Zeit auch nicht. Die Schwingungen der Liebe oder der Musik sind überall und zu jeder Zeit spürbar.“ – Yoko Ono
Musik & Production by Elemental Child © 2024

Elemental Child & Martin Miers – Stardust

„We are travelers on a cosmic journey,stardust,swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.“

„Wir sind Reisende auf einer kosmischen Reise, Sternenstaub, wirbelnd und tanzend in den Wirbeln und Strudeln der Unendlichkeit. Das Leben ist ewig. Wir haben für einen Moment innegehalten, um einander zu begegnen, uns zu treffen, zu lieben, zu teilen – ein kostbarer Augenblick. Er ist eine kleine Klammer in der Ewigkeit.“ – Paulo Coelho

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child  © 2024

Martin Miers Drums & Percussion

Applied Acoustics Systems Swatches v1.6.3 Standalone VSTI3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]

High-quality sounds from our always expanding Sound Pack Series playable via our free AAS Player plug-in. 750+ high quality sounds. The AAS Player plug-in is free and comes bundled with all our sound packs. The AAS Player doesn’t allow one to modify the sounds but instead focuses on simplicity, immediacy,…

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Elemental Child – Human Experience

„Sometimes you recognize that there is a category of human experience that has not been identified but everyone knows about it. That is when I find a term to describe it.“
„Manchmal erkennt man, dass es eine Kategorie menschlicher Erfahrung gibt, die noch nicht identifiziert wurde, aber jeder kennt sie. Dann finde ich einen Begriff, um sie zu beschreiben.“ – Brian Eno
Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

Blues Session im Bluz i Pivo – Belgrad vom 12.08.2024

Leicht anarchische Kneipe, da in ganz Belgrad kein Rauchverbot in den Lokalen herrscht, fühlt man sich in alte Zeiten zurück versetzt, Die Qualität des Videos ist OK, der Sound nicht so toll, ist mit meinem nicht so tollen Smartphone aufgenommen

Slightly anarchic pub, since there is no smoking ban in the pubs throughout Belgrade, you feel transported back to the old days, the quality of the video is OK, the sound not so great, is recorded with my not so great smartphone

Analog Obsession Room041 v2.0 WiN macOS [FREE]

First reverb plugin by Analog Obsession! Not 1:1 modeling based on any device (it’s room reverb plugin) but it has features like famous plate reverb! Features Preamp Section DRIVE: +/-24dB input drive based on tube based reverb line input. Possible to get really dirty or clean reverb! HPF: Pre-Filter 20…

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Dotec-Audio DeeDoubler Vocal Doubler v1.1.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

DeeDoubler is a plug-in that adds a doubling effect to vocals. It brings depth to vocals by layering voices. By reproducing the mixing technique using filters and phase adjustment that has been done for a long time, it features a clean and classic effect. Operation is also very simple, with…

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Arthur Benilov Aeolus (Pipe Organ Synthesizer) v0.2.1 VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Pipe organ emulator using additive synthesis as a VSTi or AU plugin (or a stand-alone executable).Aeolus was originally developed by Fons Adriaensen and presented in 2004. The original implementation is Linux only and can be found here (or across Linux distribution packages). At present it looks like Aeolus development has…

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Donau Save Bootsfahrt

Fahrt mit dem Boot auf der Donau/Save in/bei Belgrad August 2024
Fotos und Video von Ewart Reder und Bam Dorner
Musik Bam Dorner Productions
Boat trip on the Danube/Save in/near Belgrade August 2024
Photos and video by Ewart Reder and Bam Dorner
Music by Bam Dorner Productions

The Tone Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Blaukraut Engineering – Charlatan 3 VSTi [FREE]

Hello ‚ Charlatan 3 ‚ Virtual Instrument Users, Music makers, Artists, Robots and Aliens. Thanks to the Charlatan 3 Team, for this innovative, highly recommended Synthesizer. As a thank you and appreciation I have created 77 free presets Features • Inside the Download: 1 Tone Colors Soundset by with 77…

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Mannix Squared Audio Tight Low End v1.0 VST3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

We are thrilled to present a pre-release version of our latest plugin, “Tight Low End.” This time-saving tool is designed to elevate the quality of your audio mix by offering a unique combination of features aimed at refining the low end. Key Features Compression: “Tight Low End” offers a targeted…

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Mannix Squared Audio Super Saturator v1.1 VST3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

Ultimate Warm Saturation: Super Saturator Plug-in Introducing the All-New Super Saturator Plug-in! Prepare to revolutionize your audio production with the arrival of Super Saturator – the ultimate solution for imbuing your sound with intense warmth and depth. This cutting-edge plug-in offers warm saturation, enriched with even harmonics to infuse your…

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Mannix Squared Mix Space v2.0 VST3 AU Win Mac [FREE]

Download the next version of Mix Space to experience the latest enhancements designed to take your audio mixing to the next level. Mid / side capability With the new mid/side capability, you can now finely control the frequencies in the center while preserving those in the sides, offering you greater…

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Variety Of Sound FeenstaubTX (Transient Exciter & Expander) v1.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 WiNDOWS [FREE]

FeenstaubTX is an exciter and expander effect based on audio transient processing. It enhances and refines signals in a mid/side configuration with saturation and expansion effects, allowing for unique signal coloration, transient management and glue effects, as well as sublime control over the stereo image. Its designed to work on…

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Outobugi Dynastor (Compressor) v1.1.1 VST3 WiN [FREE]

Upward and downward compression. Dynastia’s dynamics processing in a compact form. Includes all the same modes as Dynastia. LR processes L and R separately, MS processes mid and side separately, MID processes mid only and SIDE processes side only. INSTALLATION Move Dynastor.vst3 to „Program Files\Common Files\VST3“ Changelog: 1.1.1 (12.08.2024) –…

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