Applied Acoustics Systems Swatches v1.6.3 Standalone VSTI3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]

High-quality sounds from our always expanding Sound Pack Series playable via our free AAS Player plug-in. 750+ high quality sounds. The AAS Player plug-in is free and comes bundled with all our sound packs. The AAS Player doesn’t allow one to modify the sounds but instead focuses on simplicity, immediacy,…

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Music Society presents „Spirit of the age – Free Vsti“ by Mira-Katharina – Gui by Achim Ortmann x86 Windows Free for registered User

  2 x double Oscillators with each: 2 displayed Knobs for the different OSC waveforms (Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava, Cluster 1 and Cluster 2) 1 none-displayed Button for the Octaves 1 Fine-Tuning 2 Knobs for the OSC Harmonics 1 Button for the OSC-Mix…

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