Variety Of Sound BaxterEQ v1.2.1 VST VST3 Windows [FREE]

ransparent mastering and mix buss shelving EQ Finest tonal sweetening and finishing which always stays true to the source. Natural and accurate bass response. Authentic analog style HF curve rendering. Smoothest shelving operation. Perfectly suited for the mastering chain. Stepped controls throughout for repeatability and matched channel operation. Full dual…

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The Color Mixing Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Minimal Audio – Current 2 VSTi [FREE]

Many Current 2 users wanted a different type of preset, here are 201 presets that represent the Current 2 instrument differently and complement its variety of sounds. So far I have created sound banks and presets for 142 different virtual software synthesizers (VSTi), a total of 229 sound sets, from…

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Bespoke Synth v1.3.0 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds. Bespoke is like a DAW* in some ways, but with less of a focus on a global timeline. Instead, it has a design more optimized for jamming and exploration. Bespoke…

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H.G. Fortune – AIO- 52x VSTi – x86 – 2024 Windows Free

Bundle H.G. Fortune – Alien Space Weaver VSTi H.G. Fortune – AlioNoctis-Pro v1.b VSTi H.G. Fortune – Alphatron-Pro-v1.1 VSTi H.G. Fortune – AlphatronSE-Special Edition VSTi H.G. Fortune – Altair-4b-2012 VSTi (2009) H.G. Fortune – Anvilia – Computer Music Magazin Special Edition v1.0 beta c4 VSTi H.G. Fortune – Anvilia Midi…

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Hugo Portillo Eminent-V 310 Strings Ensemble MkII for REAKTOR FREE

293233 5531.eminent V 310 Mkii

Emulation of the strings ensemble section of the Eminent 310 Unique/Theatre Organ Browsing an old hard drive (again) I have found a raw mix of Oxygene 6, from way back 2007/2008. I don’t even remember what DAW I used. But here it is, as the third demo track. It has…

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