• BeatNet

Synth Voices by Freemusicproduction.net

Synth Voices – Synth Voice Leads, Synth Voice Pads, Synth Words:

  • Instrument interface (Instrument selector – Effects).
  • Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch).
  • Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad).
  • Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env).
  • LFO interface (LFO 1, LFO 2).
  • Modulation Matrix interface (Source, Modifier, Destination).
  • Step Modulator.
  • .Arpeggiator.

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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