Surge XT v1.2.0 x32 x64 VST3 AU CLAP LiNUX WiN macOS [FREE]


Surge XT is a digital synth and makes no bones about it.
If you have used it in the past, it will be like welcoming an old friend back into your life. If you are new to Surge XT, welcome to the party. Come on in, the water is fine.

Changes in Surge XT 1.2.0

We released Surge 1.2.0 on April 10, 2023. As well as several new major features in tuning, visualization and accessibility, Surge 1.2.0 brings several new developers contributing substantial changes to the project!

– Major Feature: Oscilloscope
– Surge now has a built-in oscilloscope and spectrograph.
– Open the scope through the workflow menu or by right clicking on the VU meter
– Major Feature: Tuning Upgrades
– Surge can act as an OddSound MTS provider (‚master‘) allowing the Surge tuning editor to provide tuning to an entire session.
– Remediate yet more edge cases in our internal tuning, including keyboard mapping larger than a scale.
– Major Feature: Accessibility-Targeted Improvements (although these are useful for non-accesiblility-tooled users too!)
– We added an accesibility menu
– Accesibility menu has item „set all recommended accessible features“ which (basically) turns on all the good stuff if you are a screen reader user.
– Modulation Editor Focus is improved when adding a modulation
– Quantized sliders (command-drag) now work with keyboard bindings (command-up/down arrow) symmetrically.
– You can export a patch to HTML as values for sharing and viewing more quickly.
– Improve the alias harmonics editor for screen readers, by making it consistent with other controls and overlays.
– Patch Selector will focus/select the menu for the category of a given patch by default.
– Improve name invalidation when arrowing through discrete menu parameters.
– Step Sequencer Steps allow RMB / Typein value
– Add a keybinding (Alt-0 by default) to announce the state of the synth ui at present.
– Alt-, and Alt-. don’t get stuck in the patch selector any more1
– Plugins and Hosts
– Correctly implement CLAP_NOTE_CHOKE, so you can choke express in the bitwig drum machine with surge voices!
– Allow a more flexible set of I/O mappings, fixing an interaction between a JUCE and Ardour and Surge which could silence the VST3 in some situations.
– Skip the VST3 menu extensions in Reason, where they seem a bit dicey still.
– Invalidate parameter names on patch change to refresh automation displays.
– Correct a problem with the virtual keyboard in the CLAP version fo the plugin.
– Add appropriate input buffering for audio input on hosts where block size is not a multiple of surge block size. This stops input buffer corruption with uneven blocks in FL Studio at the cost of input buffer latency of 32 samples.
– Other Notable New Features
– The filter analyzer lets you drag the resonance and cutoff in the plot
– The VU Meter shows CPU usage optionally (right click on the VU to show or hide this feature)
– DSP Changes
– Noise can be stereo or mono in wide mode, per patch.
– More work on non-32 block sizes, especially fixing a zippering inssue in block-wise interpolators used in the mixer
– Nimbus re-sampler works at very high sample rates or low block sizes
– FX Unit
– FX Unit handles non-multiple-of-32 block sizes more elegantly
– Default FX for reverb and delay in FX unit are more usable.
– The FX Unit will display Airwindows parameters even if no audio engine is running
– Minor Changes and Bug Fixes
– Clean up some lua syntax in formula tutorials
– Internal dialog titlebar buttons are consistent on macOS
– One-frame wavetables had a clamp error which, in certain circumstances, could trigger an assert in production builds on ARCH linux and other gcc buidls with runtime checks on in production
– Modulation works on Ring Modulator Unison Detune
– Clamp control smoothers to avoid an infrequent extreme instability under some very rapid (machine generated) changes
– Replace factory templates with explicitly CC0 licensed factory templates.
– Add a license field to the save patch dialog.
– Repaint LFO when automation changes an LFO parameter.
– Repaint the filter overlay on filter automation.
– The Modulation List view allows a copy to clipboard.
– Fix incorrect unstreaming of ‚comb filter tunes incorrectly‘ setting.
– Add a single entry point for note-matches-channel-key-voice-id allowing the rare case of per-channel polyphonic modulation in CLAP to work
– FIx a problem which left audio-unused but graphically-incorrect uninitialized extra padding at the end of streamed one-shot wavetables
– Typeins for toggle values work.
– Alt-Click on an FX slot clears the slot.
– Optionally ignore all midi program changes. You probably want to turn this on.
– Provide an option to scale or not scale additional LFO outputs by amplitude.
– Add a key binding to initialize patch (unbound by default).
– Separate the ‚is torn out‘ preference between plugins and standalone versions.
– Some of the Virtual Keyboard mappings are now in the edit-keyboard-mapping screen.
– Fix jog order for wavetables to match display order in all cases.
– Modal overlays use a semi-transparent background
– Clamp parameters in the twist oscillator, meaning modulation can no longer make it fail to produce correct sounds
– Truncated wave tables no longer add noise to the oscillator final tables when imported.
– Scene Paste correctly re-maps the source-scene of scene LFOs leading to correct visual display of odulation state
– Close all open menus when destroying the gui editor, meaning ‚lingering‘ menus on window closed no longer crash the synth
– Correct the Init FM2 and Square templates to not bypass filters
– Warn and silence rather than crash when surge is incorrectly handed a mono output buffer (which could happen in some mac configurations with bluetooth headphones)
– Clamp airwindows FX selection to fix an occasional crash.
– Fix step sequencer fast drags and out of bound drags to do the expected thing in more cases.
– Fix a bug where a constant section on an MSEG with an AEG or FEG trigger would trigger the AEG and FEG on every block of the constant not just the first
– Fix a bug where a .modpreset in the root menu of the Modulation Presets area would crash the LFO menu
– Fix a problem where lfo mapping parameters would blink when pressing the orange arrow and switching LFOs
– Futher adopting to VCV Rack (and other non-vst clients of the code).
– Allow LFO Envelopes at a code level to retrigger from non-zero values
– Provide a function to give a frame size to an untagged wav, but don’t expose it in the surge UI yet.
– Allow treemonster to output its pitch and envelope
– The String Oscillator would leak if an instance was `init()` ed twice. Surge didn’t do this but Rack did
– Add the ability to compile without Airwindows, without SQLLite and without MTS-ESP
– Update CMake rules for SIMDE and JUCE allowing yet more indirection and choice
– Add a SurgeConfiguration for creating from non-surge clients
– Add an option to explicitly skip third party wavetable scans.
– Correct the Twist LPG optionally and activate the fix in Rack
– Infrastructure
– Make build on gcc12 on windows; make build with mingw on windows.
– surge-common can build for RISC-V and WebAssembly
– Continue to modernize the C++, moving to proper copy and assignment constructors on core classes rather than memcpy
– Move many C-style string usages to std::string
– Build if an external build system adds avx flags to the build.
– Addpfft as a submodule
– Python Binding Upgrades
– Update pybind 11
– expose mpeEnabled and tuningApplicationMode
– add build wheels for cibuildwheel
– make surgepy and installable python package
– Surge test runner will fail quickly and explicitly if resources are not available.
– Add an api for the Surge image store to get a JuceImage for Juce specific uses.
– Lots of small warning cleanups across the code.
– Allow non-parameter sliders to access tooltips.
– Content
– Update the Linnstrument MPE patches
– New third-party wavetables from A.Liv



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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