SPLITT Filter Plugin by Noisebud VST3 Windows MacOS free


SPLITT is a linear-phase filter designed to split audio signals into two frequency bands—low and high—for independent processing. Built on the same advanced filtering technology as Shape2 Advanced, SPLITT isn’t your standard filter. Instead, it’s a specialized tool for creative sound design and unconventional workflows.


  • Linear-Phase Filtering: Split signals into two frequency bands with pristine phase accuracy.
  • Crossover Control: Precisely set the frequency at which the signal splits. For exact settings, type values directly into the display.
  • Adjustable Taps: Fine-tune the filter’s steepness, balancing precision and CPU usage. Choose between 200–900 taps for most tasks or higher if needed when splitting the signal at low frequencies (0–50 Hz).
  • Matrix Routing: Flexible input and output options for advanced routing:
    • Route low and high bands independently to stereo or sidechain inputs/outputs.
    • Combine different frequency bands from multiple sources for creative experiments.


SPLITT is perfect for sound designers and producers looking for innovative ways to manipulate frequency content. The most common way to use SPLITT would be to process bass and treble independently but SPLITT can come in handy in many situations.

Download SPLITT for Free

SPLITT is a free download, ready to add unique sound-splitting capabilities to your plugin collection. Experience the creative flexibility of this linear-phase filter and push your projects into uncharted sonic territory.

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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