Solinoid ARP Solina String Ensemble Plugin by Solcito Música x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free/Donationware

Solinoid is a virtual vintage Orchestral Synthesizer inspired by the legendary Eminent/Arp Solina hardware synth. (Solina, Arp, Eminent are trademarks of their owners).

Solinoid models orchestral instruments and other sounds by a vintage analog architecture, always using the typical 1970s – 1980s ways to achieve them.

Special attention was paid to design the Ensemblex effect. Certain controls were added to the traditional ensemble model to expand its sound possibilities.

A goal of this VSTi is to make string ensembles in a vintage way. It exploit the capabilities of that old technology, whose charm continues captivating over the years despite its limitations. With those resources, Solinoid also generates an additional variety of sounds.

Another goal is to show the sensation of spatiality of the ensemble effect despite being monoural. That is why this VSTi has a mono output, like the evoked original. The user can add stereo effects to it, if preferred.


– 1 monophonic „Solo“ oscillator.

– 1 polyphonic „Orchestra“ oscillator.

– 1 LFO.

– 3 filters.

– Keyboard Split function.

– Ensemble chorus effect with vintage BBD emulation („Bucket Brigade Device“, an electronic component for delay and chorus devices, like the Ensemble effect).

Made with FlowStone


Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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