Solcito Musica SuperTrone v6.1 Standalone VSTI Windows [FREE]

Step Modulation Analog Synth
Virtual Analog Synth with retro architecture for vintage and modern sounds.
Features for live performance and multi-instance midi control.
Suitable for arpeggios, bass, pads, atmospheres, solos, leads, noisy sounds, electronic drums, etc.

„Vintager“ effect that simulates oldering of oscillators.
Step modulators with 4 scenes for each preset.
Onscreen editable text guide stored in each preset.
Pop-up fast help by hover mouse on all controls.

Available as VSTi and Stand Alone application. Both include a Tutorial Preset Bank to learn all about this synth.



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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