Seeded Random Percussive Noises by


Based on 3 Seed numbers each note on the keyboard is a different random sound.
Presets can be selected by entering their Seed numbers, or you can save them the normal way.
This one has velocity responsiveness, and a tone stack for more interesting timbres, plus randomised stereophony.

BASE1 and BASE2 are seed numbers for random generator.
BASE3 randomizes post-processing of the synthesized sounds: filters, envelopes, tone, panning, distortion.

Velocity controls how much note velocity effects a randomly-assigned parameter of the sound (usually pitch, filter cutoff/resonance or distortion drive).

Skin by Oli Larkin.

Made with synthedit, with the blessings of Jeff himself. Thanks Jeff :).

x86 Windows




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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