SampleScience Cazio Hero (Casio HZ-600 Vintage Synthesizer) v1.1 VSTI VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [Free For Limited Time]


Cazio Hero is a virtual instrument that draws inspiration from the Casio HZ-600 keyboard. Originally introduced in 1987, the HZ-600 was a groundbreaking spectral timbral synthesizer, fusing evolving digital and analog synthesis.

Cazio Hero includes the 20 authentic presets from the HZ-600, along with 4 additional waveforms and an exciting array of 16 new presets.

Cazio Hero produces pristine and mellow sounds, making it ideal for genres like 80s pop music, retro video game soundtracks, and 80s corporate video productions.

40 presets
Distortion, Chorus, Delay, and Reverb
Lowpass/highpass filter
Low-CPU usage
Amplitude range controll
3 voice modes: polyphonic, monophonic, and legato


Windows 8.1/10/11 or macOS 10.14 and above
204 MB of HD space
2GHz Quad-core CPU or better with 4 GB of RAM or more
64-bit VSTI/VSTI3/AU Host

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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