Retroneo Style ORGAN Synthesizer Plugin by VisareTone[Windows,VSTI,x86]


Retoneo Style ORGAN it is a hybrid of the Synthesizer, Instrument and Organ.

Classic and expressive-dynamic sounds of the Synthesizer/-SynthesizerI-, SynthesizerII-, -Illustrations-, -Cinema-, -Vintage-, -Cosmic-, -War Games-/.

Classic and vibrate tones of the Tonewheel Organ.

Piano, Guitar and Orchestral Instruments.
Bank – 128 Presets.

Nine Standard Drawbars /switch Unisono for UNIT2/.
Two control module / Unit1 and Unit2/.
Twin Filter for UNIT1 and UNIT2.
Complex module Key Click and Percussion.
Harmonic Intensity for an individual Drawbar.
Envelope ADSR. Modulation Fm.
Scanner Vibrato, Wide Pan, Joystick Twin Filter.
Delay, Chorus, Reverberation.
Rotary Speakers and Distortion.

Bundle 3 Style ORGAN




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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