REPLIK by Reflekt Audio


Reflekt Audio & DanFur Music teamed up yet again to bring music makers across the globe a new heavy hitting plug-in called REPLIK.

REPLIK is a futuristic type of plug-in for any producer of any caliber.

REPLIK is a bass engine that allows for it’s user
to shape a selected bass sound to something more suitable to taste.

REPLIK has 10 different bass tone presets and each of the 10 bass tone presets have 5 bass type sounds that make up that 1 preset sound. This means we can tweak 1 bass sound from 5 different layers.

So when we select 1 of the bass tones we can shape the 5 layers that make up that 1 bass tone to our liking by using the onboard GUI. REPLIK’S bass sounds range from slimy 808 type sounds to very futuristic type bass sounds. Equipped with onboard essential effects such as LFO, Filter, ADSR parameters for each layer, Pan & more.

REPLIK is a must have for all producers and not to mention it is free.

  • Windows/Mac Compatible.
  • Windows.
  • Unzipped File Size: 1.69 GB.
  • Zipped File Size: 906.8 MB.
  • Mac.
  • Unzipped File Size: 1.7 GB.
  • Zipped File Size: 911 MB.
  • Works In Most Major D.A.W.S.
  • (Excluding Pro Tools).
  • 10 Bass/808 Toned Presets.
  • 5 Blend-able Bass/808s Layers Each Preset.
  • 50 Bass/808s Individually.
  • Onboard Essential Effects.
  • Level Per Layer.
  • Pan Per Layer.
  • ADSR Per Layer.
  • Bypass Per Layer.
  • LFO.
  • Pitch.
  • Filter.
  • Amp.

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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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