Raccoon Audio OctoWah Stew (Dual Octave Enhancer with Wah) v0.0.2 VST3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]


Dual Octave Enhancer with Wah

Explore deep octave layers, tilt-driven tone, subtle overdrive, and expressive wah in one tool.

Experience the perfect blend of minimalist design and sonic excellence with the OctoWah Stew Plugin. This innovative tool lets you create rich, harmonic layers effortlessly with its intuitive octave control. Turn the knob to introduce a single octave with subtle overdrive, or continue turning to unveil a second, deeper octave that adds a lush, fat sound to your tracks. The tilt knob empowers you to shape your sound from dark and thick to bright and punchy, unleashing a plethora of tonal options.

Inject dynamic expression with the auto-wah feature, offering three distinct settings to customize your wah effect. The mix knob ensures you achieve the perfect balance between your dry signal and the processed effect, or go fully wet to transform multiple elements on a bus. Whether you’re working with guitar, bass, synths, drums, or vocals, OctoWah Stew adds depth and character to your music.

Enjoy the playful, interactive pixel art scene of a mischievous raccoon cooking up his latest creation, adding a touch of fun to your creative process. The OctoWah Stew Plugin isn’t just about great sound—it’s about enjoying every moment of making music. Unleash your creativity with the OctoWah Stew Plugin and discover new sonic dimensions for your tracks.


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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