Percumat 2 is a versatile Rhythm machine for backing drums percussion – „definitively not an 808 or 909 type thingie“.
Percumat 2 features 6 instrument parts / slots to choose from 512 inbuilt drum & percussion sounds. There are two step sequencers one for setting up the beat steps in groups of 4 x 8 steps (or 4 x half a bar) labeled A1, A2, B1 & B2, while the 2nd sequencers on the left allows you to control a sequence of the 8-step beat groups in 16 steps. Thus it is easy to get variations without having to program complete 16-step bars. In addition to that there is an Auto Track Mute feature for tracks 4, 5 and 6 to have one or two tracks muted for a certain range.
The beat step sequencer offers two additional features: StepMode and Play number of Beats, i.e. Steps so you can have a 7/8, 6/8, 5/8 or even 3/8 beats, while Step Mode changes the order of steps to play in jumping to every 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. step with setting at 7 steps playing the sequence backwards. This is a real playground not only for the lovers of experimental rhythms.