• BeatNet

PALETTE for REAKTOR by Flintpope


Record sessions with Reaktor’s onboard recorder, your DAW, with Quicktime/Soundflower, or simply play live as part of your stage set-up.

Startpoint, Stereo Position, Sample Select, Mute, Gain, Pitch, Mid, Bass, ADSR, Velocity Sensitivity, Echo, 8 Pole Filter, Reverb, Glide and Master.
CC14-21 assigned to Sample Selects 1-8
CC22-29 assigned to Gains 1-8

Taking it further…
Samples can be manipulated from within the samplemap* Reverse, Loop, Start, End, Alternating and Release parameters can all be tweaked.

When you get bored with the onboard samples replace them with your own. Need advice? *Go to the Reaktor 6 Diving Deeper manual and open Chapter 8, page 69 (The Sample Map Editor) for a detailed guide. Ensure your samples are ROOT NOTE 60 and range from notes 36-82 inclusive for this instrument.

PALETTE is monophonic and requires the full version of Reaktor 6. If you don’t have a full licence of Reaktor 6 you can still run PALETTE in demo mode for 30 minutes at a time by selecting „demo mode“ at launch.





Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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