Ossia Score v3.2.4 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

A free and open-source sequencer
A free, open-source, cross-platform intermedia sequencer for precise and flexible scripting of interactive scenarios.
Control and score any OSC-compliant software or hardware: Max/MSP, PureData, openFrameworks, Processing…

What is ossia score ?
An intermedia sequencer
Sequence various kinds of media in an intelligent timeline:

Playback most audio formats, with support for multichannel
H.264 and HAP video playback, with a state-of-the art cross-platform video & shader pipeline
Send & receive OSC, MIDI, DMX or directly talk through HTTP or a serial port
Control IoT systems with CoAP, MQTT and BLE support

Ossia Score v3.2.4 WiN Mac Linux [FREE] screenshot
Advanced interaction facilities
A sequencer built for interactive shows:

Trigger any part of the score upon external conditions or hardware controls
Use conditions to create branching scores visually
Control and get controlled through any external devices and protocols with a streamlined user interface

A scriptable, open software
Multiple programming languages are embedded in ossia score:

Livecode with javascript directly in the score for advanced mappings, or create device mapping scripts
Create blazing fast audio processors with Faust
Extend any part of the software through the C++ API
Write simple math expressions for quick control

Mixed modular & timeline workflow
Connect processes in a modular way directly from its timeline:

Switch between timeline and nodal view at any point to edit processes more precisely
Create state-machine-like scores for atemporal scenarios
Nest and group without depth limit

Supported protocols

These protocols are implemented behind a common interface in libossia.
Any app using libossia can thus benefit from their support, bridge them, etc.
These protocols are available under a simple UI in ossia score

Compatible environments
You can use your favorite creative coding language with ossia:

Either through traditional OSC connection
Or through the more advanced OSCQuery protocol
Or through direct integration of libossia

Sequence OSC, MIDI, DMX, sound, video and more, between multiple software and hardware. Create interactive and intermedia scores, script and live-code with javascript, ISF Shaders, Faust, PureData or C++. Leverage IoT protocols such as CoAP or MQTT, interact with joysticks, Wiimotes, Leapmotions, Web APIs and BLE sensors and integrate programs from a wealth of creative programming languages such as Structure Synth, Context-Free Art and Bytebeat. Load any kind of audio or video format and process visuals through Spout, Syphon, NDI, Shmdata or Sh4lt.

Free, open source and runs on desktop, mobile, web and embedded, down to Raspberry Pi Zero 2.





Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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