Ocean Swift Synthesis – Wavetable Synthesis Pack 1 WAV [FREE]

OSS Wavetable Synthesis Pack I is a Big collection of Morphing Wavetables and Single cycle Waveforms in many shapes and sizes for a friendly price! Download Wavetables and Waveforms for Xfer Serum, Kontakt, Codex, Surge, Ableton Live, Dune 2 and 3, Defiant WT, Reaktor, MUX Modular, KV331 Audio Synthmaster, VCV Seven Seas and many other Wavetable Synthesizers & Software OSS Wavetable Synthesis Pack will take your sound design to a different dimension

The pack includes both single cycle Waveforms as well as complete Stitched/Morphed Wavetables with multiple cycles. There are 28 Stitched/Morphing Wavetables. Some are made using our offered single cycle files and some are made from cycles entirely unique to each stitched/morphed Wavetable. Most of the stitched/morphed Wavetables include between 64-100 cycles. There are over 2500 cycles in the morphing tables when you count them all together.

All of the wavetables and waveforms are offered in ALL conventional cycle size formats used in wavetable synths – 128, 256, 512, 1024 and 2048 cycle sizes.

There are over 1500 single cycles. For the single cycles, some of the files come in 256 sample size and some in 2048 sample size.

All the files are in *.wav format and in 441000 sampling rate. Some of the files are 16bit and some are 24bit.

The pack also includes 15 “remixed” stitched tables as a small bonus – mixed versions of the various stitched tables with each other. These remix tables come in 2048 cycle size

Compatible with Wavetable Synths
Download Wavetables and Waveforms for Xfer Serum, Kontakt, Codex, Surge, Ableton Live, Dune 2 and 3, Defiant WT, Reaktor, MUX Modular, KV331 Audio Synthmaster, VCV Seven Seas and many other Wavetable Synthesizers & Software






Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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