Ocean Swift Synthesis – Drone Tones Sample Pack Vol.1-2 WAV [FREE]

Drone Tones


Deep tones, carpets, warp drives, wormholes, industrial noises and various other colors of sound provide an awesome palette of drones to layer and fuse into your music and soundscapes.

Deep drones and Atmospheres

Sampled from our very own Ocean Swift drone devices – Aeolian Harp, Didgeridreamer, Shruti Box, Formula X and Wind Filter as well as from an assortment of externally recorded ambience and sounds.


1291 files, 2.18gb total


16 or 24 bit – 44100hz .wav format





Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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