MusicTop Instruments CreaTools Keys VSTI3 Windows [FREE]

a free & opensource virtual instrument
Acoustic, electric, electronic and digital keyboard samplemaps
packed in an instrument with enough tools to allow you
to freely edit, combine, modulate and mix them in creative and original way.

Designed to help you synthesize your own original authentic sounds,

configure and control them easily with your MIDI controller,​

use compression, saturation and convolution resonance

to shape them to your taste and needs.

Add reverb and delay for more depth, and

use global filter to cut or emphasize acoustic aspects of your sound

Editor page provides access to advanced editing and modelling tools
for any samplemap that is loaded onto any of the three elements of the instrument.

Each element has samplestart control and modulation, pitch transpose and shift,
voice doubling and velocity controlled detune intensity,
advanced gain and filter envelopes with velocity decay modulation,
9 types of filtering and velocity frequency modulation.
MusicTop Instruments CreaTools Keys Win [FREE] screenshotMusicTop Instruments CreaTools Keys Win [FREE] screenshotMusicTop Instruments CreaTools Keys Win [FREE] screenshotMusicTop Instruments CreaTools Keys Win [FREE] screenshot
There are 4 LFO generators and two randomize generators,
per element cumulative modulation routing,
MIDI control panel for setting ranges and modes for MIDI learned controllers.
MusicTop Instruments CreaTools Keys Win [FREE] screenshot
over 120 factory presets
covering different categories and styles of keyboard instruments,
easy search and favorite presets browser system,
export and import presets and banks.


​Is a free and opensource project built on HISE open source framework.
It is built and developed with an aim to make a contribution towards
free music education and creative freedom and it is therefore licensed under GPLv3 license
and available with all its source files on online public repositories.

From Product Page:
Please consider donating to help the continuation and development of this project
​Thank you!



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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