Music Society presents „Spirit of the age – Free Vsti“ by Mira-Katharina – Gui by Achim Ortmann x86 Windows Free for registered User



2 x double Oscillators with each:

2 displayed Knobs for the different OSC waveforms
(Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava,
Cluster 1 and Cluster 2)
1 none-displayed Button for the Octaves
1 Fine-Tuning
2 Knobs for the OSC Harmonics
1 Button for the OSC-Mix Function
1 Volume

2 x Multimode VCF with each:
1 Filter Cutoff
1 Filter Resonance
1 Select Knob for the different Filter Types (1-pole LP, 2-pole LP, 3-pole LP,
one pole moog type filter with resonance, LP Filter with resonance, HP Filter with resonance,
Band Pass Filter with resonance, Band Reject Filter with resonance,
1 Filter Velocity
1 Filter Keytrack

2 x VCF-Envelope with ADSR

2 x VCA-Envelope with ADSR

2 x LFO-Modul with Speed, Wave and Depth control

1 x Joystick with switchable Destinations

EQ with three different Frequencies: LOW-MID-HIGH.
They’re fixed to 40 HZ, 750 Hz and 7KHz.

The Phaser Knobs allow to control the Rate, Depth and Feedback of the Pahsing
Effect. If there’s no Feedback set (0), this Unit works as a Chorus.

The Pan Knobs control Rate and Depth of the Pan-Effect.

PITCH allowes to set the Pitch Bend Range.

PORTA controls Portamento Time.

MONO controls Mono/Poly-Function. If lit it’s set to MONO; if not – the Synth is
in Polymode

PO MOD controls the Polyphony Modes Soft Steal, Hard Steal, Overlap.

RETR controls the Retrigger-Function. It is only working in Monomode and allowes
that the Notes are not retriggered if you are hidding the Key more times.

VOLUME sets the Master Volume Level.
Easyli set the Volume Out Level by turning the Knob to decrease or increase it.

Tested on WIN, XP 32 Bit, W 7 32 Bit and on the following DAW’s:
Cubase Elements 6, Reaper, MuLab XT, Energy XT 2.5, VST Host, Savihost

Useful screen settings: Full HD 1920 x 1080, 1152 x 864 (small screen)

So have fun with this synth!


Demo by Bam Dorner 2015

all tracks, except for the drums, were made with the VSTI

Demo by Northwood

Free for registered user


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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