music-society presents MM20 by Benedict Roff-Marsh for MidiMusiker[win][x86][vsti]

The thinking behind the synth is to emulate the early single oscillator mono-synths like SH-04 etc. The oscillator is specially modulated to create a noisy, unstable sound which for some sounds is really wonderful and organic. The filter is firy and at times a bit tempramental (not smooth and polite like modern synths) so a compressor is highly recommended.

A quick rundown on the knobs:

Choose an OSC Wave
Set the Analog effect with a) Character and b) amount of Drift
Set the Pitch to follow the ENV

Filter Cutuff, Resonance and ENV Mod

Monophonic or simple Duophonic
Portamento and PANning
Watch the VOLume as this little fellow can be LOUD!

Set LFO Wave and switch between Std LFO and S&H
Set LFO Mod to Destinations
Mod Wheel is tied to LFO to OSC for finer control

ADSR Env is assignable to AMP via Switch GATE/ENV

For download you have to register or login, it is free!



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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