Musescore v4.0.2 x64 x86 LiNUX Windows macOS [FREE]


MuseScore is a company devoted to helping aspiring musicians in their journey to master the music they love. MuseScore offers free, powerful, and easy-to-use music notation software to create high-quality sheet music, with audio score playback for results that look and sound beautiful.

This patch release contains fixes for numerous issues, and also includes some significant usability and engraving improvements.

Score corruption fixes
Multiple issues causing score corruption have been fixed
Part scores are now scanned for corruptions
There is now a more comprehensive system for alerting you when there are corruptions identified on your score (including a mechanism to help you avoid saving those corruptions)
Usability improvements
The Properties panel has been improved so it’s possible to edit the visibility, colour and play settings of individual notes within chords
Toggling visibility of notes within chords now produces more predictable results
Images in frames can now be deleted
Parts can now be reset to their original layout
The UI is now easier to interact with when the user is holding the mouse unsteadily
The audio export process can now be cancelled
There’s a new feature to save relevant diagnostic files (making it easier to get support from MuseScore developers)
Performance enhancements
Major improvements to how MuseScore handles with WASAPI (Benefits Windows users)
Bugs squashed and regressions repaired
Various crashes have been fixed (including numerous VST-related crashes)
Zoom controls in the status bar are easier to use and more intuitive
Various problems with the visual behaviour of the app on second monitors are now resolved
Text line spacing option has been reinstated in Properties
Some playback problems have been resolved, including when entering tablature notation, and when changing the tempo using the tempo slider
Multiple other minor bug fixes
A ton of engraving fixes and improvements
Multiple fixes to system-line objects
Several errors arising from setting notes to cue size are resolved
Fixes to the behaviour of system objects
Various fixes to the behaviour of stems
Voices now align correctly in ‚full‘ tab staves
Sticking in percussion music no longer breaks slurs
Slurs now show correctly in parts when only some voices are displayed
Cross-page glissando lines have been finessed
Various collisions have been resolved (clefs and key signatures, accidentals and cross-staff beams)



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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