MonsterDAW MONSTER Voxana v1.0 x32 x64 VSTI AU WiN MAC [FREE]


MONSTER Voxana, a FREE Vocal VST Instrument with Beatbox, Choir, Vocal Chops sounds!
#MonsterVoxanaVST is a Free Vocal VST Instruments with various Modes!

It covers all kinds of vocal presets, from Beatbox, Choirs, Vocal Chops, and everything in between.

It’s suitable for any kind of music genre, not just EDM. From R’n’B, Pop, Rock, Jazz, to Classical.

The great thing about this VST is that this is never complete. This VST gets a new expansion (preset) sound continuously every now and then so stay tuned for more!

Here is one of the preset of Monster Voxana, a Talkbox preset:

C.j, a music producer and beatmaker from Atlanta, Georgia, US has made cool music and Preset Walkthrough of this. Watch it here :

John Mario from Bedroom Guitarist YT channel made a cool demo song using CHORD Preset and VOCAL CHOPS Preset of Monster Voxana and showcasing all presets of it. Take a look and listen to it here:

Monster Voxana has 5 Preset Modes:
2. CHOPS Mode
3. CHORD Mode
4. NOTES Mode
5. SHOUT Mode

SPECIAL NOTES TO FL STUDIO USERS: The notes are 2 octaves higher. For example, in any other DAW it’s C2 but in FL it’s C4, so adjust accordingly!

In BEATBOX Mode, the user treat is as Drumkit, with notes ranging from B0 to C#2 (From Kick to Cymbals).

In CHOPS Mode, there are 2 sub-mode: CHOPS MAJOR and CHOPS MINOR. User play Chord Root in C2 to B2. And the slices/chops are in C3 to above depending on the presets.

For example, if you have an A minor Pad Synth on your music, when you play Monster Voxana, press chord root A2 and play the white keys from C3 to above and it will sound right!

Next, is the CHORD Mode. User press the Chord Root in C2 to B2 and for Major Chord, play E3 note. For minor chords, play C#3 note. If you are familiar with or have used the #MonsterGuitarVST, it’s the same concept:

In NOTES Mode, user play like usual, it’s a bunch of notes spread accross 4 or 5 octaves.

The SHOUT Mode is the same as NOTES Mode. The difference is that it’s a sound of people shouting.

Watch and listen the 5 Modes in action here:

[b]Here are the complete features of Monster Voxana:
• Simple GUI, just 3 knobs to change the attack, the relase and the reverb of the presets. Of course you can use your DAW track volume, panning, insert and send FX to sculpture the Vocal sound to your taste!
• 5 Modes of presets : Beatbox, Vocal Chops, Chord, Notes and Shout Modes.
• Very little RAM usage.
• Unique sound and presets, ranging from the sound of the 70s to modern sound.
• A new expansion sounds preset will be release/update regularly every month.
• Major plugin format: Windows 32bit DAW and 64bit DAW, Mac VST, and Mac Audio Unit (AU) so it can be used in the majority of DAWs (If you’re a Pro Tools user, please use BlueCat Patchwork to use this VST in your PT).

Apple / Mac now have tightened their security on their OS. So my VST sometimes gets a red flag or is identified as a virus or malware or Mac marked my plugin as damaged.



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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