ML Sound Lab Mikko Reflex Free Version v3.0.6 VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE Windows MacOS [FREE]


Place mics, mix speakers and export unlimited .wav IRs.

The Future of Guitar Tone – MIKKO is the most sophisticated guitar cab sim in the world. Now powered by our cutting-edge Reflex format, it delivers a full-range and mix-ready tone with a flat response. Traditional guitar cabs are not optimized for miking up and it has become common practice to rely on post-processing guitar tones and accepting the flaws in guitar cabinet designs. MIKKO Reflex maximizes the unfiltered tonal character of amazing guitar speakers in a neutral guitar cab designed by Paul Gough (Zilla Cabs) that is optimized for miking up.

With MIKKO Reflex you can realistically place mics 360 degrees around the speaker while controlling the distance from the cap to edge or pulling the mics back to combat proximity effect or tilting the angle of the mics for a phasier character.

Make your own high quality impulse response collection for personal use that is compatible with all hardware that supports .wav format IRs. Choose the correct format that suits your modeler and use minimum phase transform to ensure that you can also mix these IRs with most other IRs.

MIKKO features an amazing EQ balance section that lets you visually analyse and EQ your mic-up and save it as part of your exported IR.

Free version provides with one speaker and four microphones.


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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