MIDIWrap (Free MIDI-Plugin, VST3 Windows) by Mrugalla

midiwrap explain

MIDIWrap is a plugin that transforms your MIDI inputs to stay within a desired range, defined by the lower- and upper limit parameters.
This is especially useful if you have modified some existing or synthesized some MIDI events creatively and now want a simple way to
wrap them back into the sweet spot before passing on the events to synthesizers. MIDIWrap wraps the out of bounds MIDI events
simply by octaving them back into range.

I’m currently searching for people who would like to compile the plugin for mac and linux for him, so that everyone
can enjoy MIDIWrap freely. If you do this, please let me know: https://discord.gg/xpTGJJNAZG


This plugin was made during 2 coding streams and you can still watch them here:

Latest Download and Open Source Code: https://github.com/Mrugalla/MIDIWrap

Direct Download: MIDIWrap.vst3


I make plugins and I also create content on YouTube mostly about plugins :3

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