MFreeFXBundle contains a set of audio effects
Our commercial plugins offer many more features, but these are still extraordinary when compared to most plugins on the market. You can extend the features of these free plugins at any time by purchasing a licence.
14.16 changes Added enhanced aliasing improving the audio quality for most saturation algorithms available throughout the plugins. The downside is slightly higher CPU usage. It can be disabled from settings if needed. MXXXCore and MSuperLooper now also unlock MTurboReverb with only MTurboReverbLE licence and Equalizer with MFilter licence. Added native Apple Silicon CPU (currently M1) support. Added "Profile mixer" to MCabinet. Added groups to MMultiAnalyzer. Easy screen locks for title buttons have been moved to the left for consistency reasons. Preset search fields are now highlighted in red to highlight them and avoid confusion when user forgets that something is written in there. Added "High accuracy" switch to MCCGenerator. MultiParameters in banks mode can now create custom categorization for switcher menu by setting banks names to "category#text". Added Channel parameter to MIDI settings / Program change in presets. Holding Alt when clicking various copy buttons will allow exporting as XML button for editing as text. You can then edit the text and ctrl + pasting it back. Fix: Automating multiparameters when the plugin was sleeping made no effect. Fix: Closing text edit popup with escape key didn't work. Fix: Keys A, C and V were forwarded to the DAW even if the plugin edit was actually using them. Fix: MDrumReplacer's MIDI output didn't work in some DAWs. Fix: MTurboReverb delay order down was sorted up instead. Fix: Downloader could crash when installing certain 3rd party products. Fix: Downloader requested a correct MSoundFactory path even when installing MDrummer/MDrumReplacer data. Fix: MRhythmizer could ignore MIDI commands for volume sequences if the volume sequences were not defined. Fix: Installer didn't show proper products when clicking on the home icon in the product selection page. 14.15 changes Improved the default Neon style. Added MIDI out feature to MDrumReplacer. Added "Follow host name and color" feature to MMultiAnalyzer. Added Integrator module to MXXX. Added "Set output gain" feature to MAGC. Fix: MGranularMB was crashing in some circumstances. Fix: Keyboard forwarding disabled on Bitwig due to some problems in it. Fix: MCompressor was doing an inaccurate reduction for levels somewhere below -180dB. Fix: Custom GUIs were not available on case sensitive file systems in MXXX. 14.14 changes Big improvements in MDrumReplacer, officially released now. Added "Apply EQ" switch to MSpectralDynamics. Improved plugin selection page in the installer. Improved VST3 support. Added "Gain" and "Gain random" to each voice in MGranularMB. "Intelligent disable on silence" renamed to "Intelligent sleep on silence" to avoid confusion. Added features to the "Custom GUI designer" in MXXX. Improved keyboard to forwarding to DAW on Windows and added "Forward unused keyboard input to DAW" option in case you want to disable it. Added "Display waveforms" option to MSuperLooper, useful for additional CPU saving. Lots of changes to MTurboAmp alpha version. Fix: Any info/error message containing "_" made this character replaced by a whitespace. Fix: MRotary was crashing in MXXX when the Materials were turned on. Fix: Several plugins (such as compressors) didn't update the visual state when bypassed or in disabled mode. Fix: MGranularMB could cause initial peaks/glitches with specific settings and audio signals. 14.13 changes Big improvements for MDrumReplacer Windows plugins now forward unused keyboard commands to the DAW to make sure the DAW doesn't loose spacebar as play/stop for example, even if a plugin popup is displayed. Added Favourites tag, which you can use to filter the favourite devices to MXXX. Parametric equalizers now have band presets. Several minor fixes and improvements. Fix: MFreeformEqualizer could stop processing when switched to minimum phase mode in some cases. Fix: MTurboDelayMB didn't work properly. Fix: Some windows didn't save position and size. Fix: MTurboReverb was crashing in ambisonics and surround modes. 14.12 changes Most plugins now provide "Intelligent disable on silence" feature allowing them to disable themselves to save CPU whenever there is no signal and the plugin doesn't produce anything anymore. It can be disabled from settings. It works with all plugin interfaces and DAWs. Added "Random every time" option to MGranularMB and Granular module in MXXX. Added "XY-pad 4 banks" to banks mode of all multiparameters, allowing you to create XY pads, which would interpolate between 4 banks. Note that such multiparameter also occupies the next one, which is needed for the Y value. Added band Solo & Mute to all parametric equalizers. Available from band settings popup. Custom GUI designer now allows resizing keeping ratio when holding Alt in MXXX. Added "Replace" feature to MSuperLooper. Added per-track "Default bars" override to MSuperLooper. Minor GUI, stability and performance improvements. Plugins with latency now compensate synchronization position from DAW accordingly. For example, MRhythmizerMB is now synchronizing properly in linear-phase mode. Installer now logs installation of the MSVC redistributables and installes it only once. Fix: "Do not load from presets" option in MIDI controllers didn't work properly. Fix: Ambisonics wasn't available in ProTools. Fix: ReportLatency module didn't update latency when changed until audio engine was restarted in MXXX. Fix: MXXX6out could crash in some DAWs. Fix: Crossover module could cause crashes when changing crossover type in MXXX. Fix: Arp didn't store current matrix preset in MXXX. Fix: Changing an Enable title button with a multiparameter didn't enable/disable other title buttons. Fix: MNoiseGenerator was generating true noise in "True noise" mode only for one channel. Fix: Look-ahead in MSpectralDynamics didn't work properly. Fix: Multiparameter bank reordering didn't work with more than 100 banks. 14.11 changes Released MDrumReplacer beta, added to MXXX as well. Improved MTuner accuracy and visualisation, added "Auto switch to normal tuner" option. Added Analyzer to MDrumLeveler for easy setup of the prefiltering. Added MXXX6out version. Minor GUI and performance improvements. Fix: MRecorder was reporting an error when the target path started with "~". Fix: Custom GUI designer could create incorrectly resized images for lower resolutions when custom images were used in MXXX. Fix: Impulse response export wasn't working properly for plugins with latency. Fix: Having a "" symbols in multiparameter name would make multiparameter manager impossible to display. Fix: Some MB versions of certain plugins could share the default settings with the non-MB versions. Fix: Changing presets in VST2 didn't update all the parameters in the DAW. 14.10 changes Export IR has been removed from MFreeformEqualizer, since the global IR button in the toolbar does the same thing. Improved font engine for nicer and more readable GUIs. Minor GUI and performance enhancements. Random preset feature makes sure the next preset is different from the previous (if possible). Fix: MTurboReverbLE dynamics section couldn't be activated. Fix: Device browser wasn't selecting the loaded device in MXXX. Fix: Displaying a tab as popup didn't properly store it's position and size. Fix: Multiparameter units could sometimes go wrong with "By bank name interpolated" mode. Fix: Global "Set" button may have produced incorrect results. Fix: Using SuperLooper inside MXXX could cause a crash. Fix: MTurboReverb ER's Analyse IR feature crashed on mono files.